Alex Clark

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A basic summary would go like this: She is the fucking shit.

Seductive Fem-Bot[edit]

Alex believes in the ability to express herself freely through the art form of sexual expression. On a regular day Alex can be found soulfully gyrating to beat of tribal drums and/or GUNTHER. Do not cross this sly minx in fear of falling penalty to DOUNKER TIME or DEATH.

Lovable Mentor[edit]

Alex has the ability to mold young minds and shape the world for a better tomorrow. From observing her I have learned that plagiarisms is bad, and clammy hands are inevitable. She continuously shows me the way of life and how to survive in this crazy mixed up world.

Maternal Figure[edit]

Alex loves kids and plans to have at least 5.


Alexandra Denise Clark is a lovable human being who enjoys road-trips to Discount, delegating party decorations, slapping people in the face, violating personal space, laughing in people's faces, going to the Oak Room, drinking several young men under the table, converting nuns to prostitution, and being a fucking bad-ass.