Sellew 3

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Sellew 3 2007-2008[edit]

Sellew 3 for the 2007-2008 academic year will be occupied by a bomb group of sophomores. There are 8 of them...

They requested block housing and were shamefully denied such privilages due to really sucky lottery numbers. Instead of raising hell over the matter, they went to general lottery as a group and yelled obscenities to make people not want to live with them. Such obscenities included Greta threatening to poop on the couch and wipe it on the walls.

The four hallway rooms of Sellew 3 will be occupied by these 8 people. Due to this, that hallway will be called the hallway of death. The closet at the end of the hallway will be called the closet of sex, and the suite will be owned by these 8 students.

After arriving at Knox they found out that 4 pretty kick ass people were also living with them...