Study abroad

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Study abroad or off-campus study is an amazing opportunity that Knox students can take advantage of. Students who choose to study off campus can follow one of many choices that fall into four distinct categories:

  1. Study abroad through a Knox program
  2. Off-campus study within the United States
  3. Study abroad with a Knox-approved program
  4. Study abroad through a student initiated program. Each of these have various associated pros and cons.

Really cool - and entirely not self-centered - people like Dana Becker get to study abroad in Vienna, Austria.


Students who study abroad have the opportunity to immerse themselves in an exciting and different culture, become more familiar with a second language and make take a different set of classes than what Knox offers.

They have the opportunity to learn all about and experience the rituals and traditions of discotechas and bars of all types.

Students of Barcelona, Spain can also partake in intercambios de lenguas.


One of the cons of studying abroad during Spring Term is that one misses Flunk Day unless they are in the Barcelona, Spain program. The study abroad office does not warn students of this terrible tragedy. They really should. If they are in the Barcelona program, Flunk Day is even better because of cool people like Tim Foster.

Your money goes bye-bye fast.

You get home sick for Knox but then when you get to Knox you wish to god you were back in the country where you studied abroad. So you will never be satisfied ever again.

List of common abroad programs