Editing Flunk Day 2021

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I think it's gotta be 90's or 00's themed. Lots of childhood imagery floating around and I am HERE for it!
I think it's gotta be 90's or 00's themed. Lots of childhood imagery floating around and I am HERE for it!
ThrowbackThursday?? 👀
==March 25, 2021 (Thu)==
==March 25, 2021 (Thu)==
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Overheard a group of upperclassmen planning for Flunk on the 6th. Which probably means nothing, what do they know. But it could mean everything.
Overheard a group of upperclassmen planning for Flunk on the 6th. Which probably means nothing, what do they know. But it could mean everything.
They friared falsely again this morning...
Speaking of Friars they got an email today about what to do the day of, and about shirts. Flunk Day is imminent.
==May 7, 2021 (Fri)==
==May 7, 2021 (Fri)==
According to Deana Nichols, May 5th through 9th will not be Flunk Day. On a related note, come see The How and the Why on these dates!
According to Deana Nichols, May 5th through 9th will not be Flunk Day. On a related note, come see The How and the Why on these dates!
Today the facstaff list got an email titled "Uphold the Flunk Day Winning Streak!" Huge Flunk news!! Flunk day next week??
The How and the Why was great btw
==May 9, 2021 (Sun)==
==May 9, 2021 (Sun)==
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Gotta be this week.
Gotta be this week.
If you saw the deleted revision, someone copy-pasted a bunch of stuff from 2018. Fuck knows why.
A lot of Campus Safety were walking around according to dining workers. Did someone get their dates mixed up? Is campus safety the new friars?
7 AM came and went without either an email from Deb or a final scare from the friars. My long-standing theory of a birthday flunk is, alas, not true. But still go wish Maddie a happy birthday today!
==May 11, 2021 (Tue)==
==May 11, 2021 (Tue)==
i think flunk day is either today or tomorrow because everyone who went to the farm bureau for the knox vaccine days are getting their second vaccine on April 29th and May 11th and 12th are pretty close to the 2 week mark after the vaccine
i think flunk day is either today or tomorrow because everyone who went to the farm bureau for the knox vaccine days are getting their second vaccine on April 29th and May 11th and 12th are pretty close to the 2 week mark after the vaccine
A big metal contraption was posted on Cox Knollege...is this proof that flunk day is today? Who is to say.
I dreamt that today was Flunk Day which means it must be
UB members signed up for their flunk day shifts today!! Flunk day is fast approaching
^for the uninformed where can we get shirts day of?
^ there will be a table to pick up shirts all day!
==May 12, 2021 (Wed)==
==May 12, 2021 (Wed)==
Two weeks after vaccination clinic... Good opportunity to facilitate reckless bacchanalia.
Two weeks after vaccination clinic... Good opportunity to facilitate reckless bacchanalia.
Will you kiss your Pfizer Papi's, Moderna Mami's and Johnson & Johnson Baddies?
Will you kiss your Pfizer Papi's, Moderna Mami's and Johnson & Johnson Baddies?
Ya’ll aren’t hyping up Wednesday flunk enough. I think we all might actually wake and be surprised that flunk day is today! Also the Ramadaan fasting has ended? That’s what I heard and it’s Eid today
Twas the night before flunk day
when all throughout Knox,
not a creature was staring, not even the Fox.
The Wiki and Facebook both opened with care,
in the hopes that flunk day news would soon be there.
The friars were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of flunk day danced in their heads.
Roommate with booze, an i with my stash,
were all buckled in for this crazy ol' bash.
When out in the Quads arose such a clatter,
i sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window i flew in a flash,
where someone there shouted, "Get off your ass!".
The sun on top of newly made mud,
gave excitement and awe to the first years and their buds.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a big group of seniors, with a whole lot of cheer!
With a check to my inbox, to see what they say,
i knew in a moment it must be Flunk Day!
More rapid than eagles, the friars they came,
they whistled and shouted, and called out by name:
"Now Conger! Now Neal! Now Elder and Four name!"
oh, Post!, Furrow, and Sherwin, don't dare be lame!
To the porches with parties! To the lawn of old main!
now drink away! drink away!
Lets all go insane!!!
y'all, caitlin posted on snap that she's dying her hair last night and when asked if she was doing the rest tonight she laughed maniacally. Flunk confirmed
Raina in campus life looking stressed!!
Big boxes delivered to UB office yesterday!!!
Maddie is seen frantically running around Seymour. Tomorrow HAS to be the day
Craig Johnson sends email about missing speaker needing to be returned urgently! does this mean flunk is tomorrow and they need it for the performance??????
^thats what I was thinking
Maddie posted a snap to her story this afternoon which shows deputy coordinator Charlie wearing his very own "co-coordinator" shirt (so cute) which has the logo intentionally blurred out. Flunk Day is near
campus wide four day flunk day bender????
dont know why we’re all still talking about this ?? im pretty sure flunk day already happened and nobody noticed
The way the lawns were mowed today when they were just mowed on Monday 🤭 also the suite cleaners came today instead Thursday FLUNK CONFIRMED
a few trucks sitting outside WalMart 👀👀
The Knox College twitter posted "will flunk day be tomorrow? Maybe! Knox students are you excited for the friars to wake you up early with their shouts announcing the big day? It's going to be huge." ..... This seems pretty bold move :/ maybe evidence for Monday flunk?
==May 13, 2021 (Thu)==
==May 13, 2021 (Thu)==
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Typing this to place my wish for a Thursday flunk (classes after flunk day usually get cancelled... hello 4 day weekend babyyy!)
Typing this to place my wish for a Thursday flunk (classes after flunk day usually get cancelled... hello 4 day weekend babyyy!)
Matthew Jones-Rhodes thinks Flunk is this day... hmmm...
^ Heather Hoffmann ALSO thinks it's this day ... hmmm...
^^ Emily Anderson ALSO thinks it's this day... hmmm...
I’m not sure that they would do flunk day on a covid testing day...<---I think they would, but that's just me. Don't have any evidence, I just feel like it's probable.
Stuart Allison reaaalllly thinks today is the day. "Faculty will be grumpy"
He also mentioned that faculty have a kind of deal that it won’t be after week seven. Obviously not applicable this year, but good to know for the future!
Mentally willing it to be this day because it would be convenient for me personally.
Whats This?! A video I made instead of doing school work talking about why today is probably flunk day!! Check it out to validate your own hopes for this day. -Matt Cagle
Cate Denial thinks flunk day is today! flunk confirmed???
I saw the Caitlin calendar thing mentioned in the video, and when someone mentioned that her calendar was visible she just said lol... so was it a trick 👀
^ I love my calendar, I put everything in it!!
weather looking really nice today, compared to week 9 at least. Hope its today for weather reasons.
Bill Young thinks that Flunk Day will be today, and that they will attempt to make us believe it won't be as to prevent us from drinking Wednesday night
Caitlin's calendar just went back to normal??? Who hacked for the cause????
The planners seem to be really pushing the idea that Flunk is this day which seems like a good sign that its not
^^ or they are using reverse psychology on us to make us think just that!
^^^^^ mad agree, i'm convinced there's an intense game of 5-d chess to get us to think that it'll be monday when it's tomorrow
Cleaners came a day early... wonder why. Nope can't think of any reason at all.
I will be pissed off if it isn't today.
Update about flunk day performers: it is not beach bunny. the drummer follows me on IG and I dm'd him to ask and he said they are not performing at knox
^isn’t that exactly what he would say if he WAS performing at knox? Holding out hope
^^ also will be pissed if it’s not today,idk why anyone wants a Monday flunk = starting your week off partying ... 🤮🤢
if flunk isn't today we should just do it the old-fashioned way and ditch class en-masse. monday flunk is a boner idea
will not name names, but Maddie tucker enlisted an art student to make a painting/backdrop for flunk day. This student asked for an extension on a project for a class because they'd be working on it "all weekend". <—-well tell that student all that effort is going to waste because the rest of the student body has decided it’s tomorrow. This is my call for anarchy. Flunk Day can be whenever we want it to be.
^^wait as in they'd be working on the flunk day art all weekend or implying they spent this week workin on the flunk art and now have to finish their project???
^ u didnt hear this from me but there were actually three art students enlisted 🤫
I do want to point out that Smash Mouth has no shows on their website so they could be the musical act!!!
Per source there are no trucks in Monmouth hotel parking lots a big blow to this day....>>>> per cox knollege there are HUGE TRUCKS from Knight Transportation at Walmart hehe
idk if this is anything but there are orange cones and tickets on cars in the lot behind the frats by the quads
The great Bob Lallky has spoken words of wisdom to Cox knollege. This must be a good omen
Me posting the copypasta for first time, on the wrong day lol, my bad
^^this implies that friday is the flunk???
^ stop doing the copypasta! you are always so confident yet so wrong!
campus is quiet... too quiet???
i’ve heard this thought from a few different people: just because there’s in person components to flunk doesn’t mean they’ll be the ones we’re used to. will inflatables and the like be a part of this years flunk? they’d be difficult to sanitize... maybe we can’t find trucks because there are no trucks at all </3
^ nahhh
friars were much less enthusiastic than last scare, not looking good for our week 8 flunk
*frantically refreshing email plz plz plz*
Get to class, guys. It isn't today.
...    :(((((((((
don't worry guys it'll be thursday once they send us back in time for the flunk day time loop
==May 14, 2021 (Fri)==
==May 14, 2021 (Fri)==
Matt Cagle won't stop saying Friday Flunk is happening. Hasn't happened historically, but what is 2021 if not a year of change?
Matt Cagle won't stop saying Friday Flunk is happening. Hasn't happened historically, but what is 2021 if not a year of change?
Alright so... we all know May 13th is the safe bet, but the only thing that makes Thursday not likely is that apparently the flunk planners all have labs that day. So if it can't be before May 13th due to Ramadan, if it can't be Thursday because the planners don't wanna miss labs, and a week 9 flunk has never happened then clearly it is Friday. What better way to jumpstart the heart of Knox College but with a Friday Flunk, that lasts all throughout the weekend!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_LnA822IE0&ab_channel=FantasticMr.Blue
Alright so... we all know May 13th is the safe bet, but the only thing that makes Thursday not likely is that apparently the flunk planners all have labs that day. So if it can't be before May 13th due to Ramadan, if it can't be Thursday because the planners don't wanna miss labs, and a week 9 flunk has never happened then clearly it is Friday. What better way to jumpstart the heart of Knox College but with a Friday Flunk, that lasts all throughout the weekend!! -Matt Cagle
^^I know for a fact Caitlyn would be happy to miss our Thursday lab
^^I know for a fact Caitlyn would be happy to miss our Thursday lab
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Also Machinal performance this evening :(( so please no. But come see it!!
Also Machinal performance this evening :(( so please no. But come see it!!
Literally both clubs I'm in exec in have big events today I hope its not friday aaaaaa
It’s going to be Friday I mean we are in uncharted territory at this point anyway
Friday flunk!!!!! Friday flunk!!! FRIDAY FLUNK!!!!!! FRIDAY FLUNK!!!!!!!
Devastated it wasn’t Thursday... a friday flunk would be the only salvation...
Confirmed no trucks at Monmouth hotel.
Vovis Center sent out email about an event on this day... is this a cover up for Friday Flunk?
^^It more than likely means that it won't be Friday oh well.
I don’t wanna get my hopes up but a Friday flunk would lowkey be LEGENDARY ...
It was not today. This year. One day in the future it will come, a legendary Friday Flunk. This prophecy will be fulfilled.
==May 17, 2021 (Mon)==
==May 17, 2021 (Mon)==
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You never know with covid
You never know with covid
I hope its not week 9 only because of what I have seen on Twitter... However here is a video about why it could be week 9 I made!
The more I think about it the more I lean towards a week 9 monday flunk. This is a terrifying thought. I pray these thoughts are false.
Apparently there's a faculty email saying flunk is going to be week 9- no proof of this email, and claims from some faculty that it doesn't exist, but the week 9 flunk seems like a possibility. Could also be some faculty lying/bluffing? Who knows.
This is big if true^^^^
supposed to rain today. 40% chance.>>> huhu we don't want another wet and sad flunk day :(
Lot of people coming out with large support for this day on Cox Knollege, they claim to have a good source, who could this source be?
allegedly: campus safety locks academic buildings on flunk day. last monday (may 10th), campus safety locked academic buildings. did they get the monday wrong? >>> They actually lock it everyday for SAFETY purposes!!!
^they lock them every monday morning before classes start??? lol
Monday Flunk has been revealed to me be enlightened and join us!!! >> reveal urself, monday flunk source
You couldn't live with your failure. Where did it bring you? Back to me!!!!
I'll be at a funeral, better not be monday. I'm giving yall bad vibes for monday
Normally if you miss your week for covid test they send you a message saying to sign up for Monday. This week the text said “sign up for next week”. Flunk day confirmed???
Wiki has been quiet this weekend. Is this an omen of no flunk?
Will somebody please give me some evidence it’s today? Need motivation to finish this paper.
^ SORRY BLURRY GUY TOLD US TO LEAVE https://imgur.com/gallery/HF0jEXw
^This could actually... be huge ....
https://twitter.com/RobertDraper4/status/1394117134981152771 new images of the americinn trucks. looked at their catalogue and the green thing is 100% a zipline
That company - AMJ Spectacular Events - is the same company from 2018 https://imgur.com/gallery/nncsWuj... same green zipline too!!!
here's a video of everything! http://imgur.com/gallery/ergLF0J
Students for Sustainability meeting (that Caitlin is president of) is not on the calendar for Monday night where it usually is...
  'Twas the TRUE night before Flunk Day
  When good children lay
  awaiting the bedlam
  of pots and pans,
  from friars who sing
  of the good tidings they bring:
  News of booze
  Stories of glory
  A broadcast! At long last!
  The day has arrived
  and the students have survived
  a full year of college.
  Thus, UB has acknowledged
  that this is cause for celebration,
  for excessive laughter and jubilation.
  So, go ahead, go wild!
  Run around like a child!
  Make friends with strangers,
  keep one another out of danger.
  Relax and tan on the lawn,
  or party 'til the new dawn.
  And maybe get just a little drunk
  because today, my friends, is a day to flunk!
Flunk Day Confirmed!!!
Twas the night after Flunk Day
And despite the good times,
The bubbles and presidents
And slightly forced rhymes
The long-waited festivities
Must come to a close
Doors locked and drinks finished
And a return to repose
With eyes that were drooping
And legs that were sore
Flunk Day was over
But perhaps… a bit more?
For the spirit of Flunking
Lives on o’r the year
In the moments we cherise
And the friends we hold dear
So return to your classes
Orgs, meetings, and teams
But forget not the lessons
Flunk Day always brings
==May 18, 2021 (Tue)==
==May 18, 2021 (Tue)==
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^^ I second that too its my birthday lol taurus szn
^^ I second that too its my birthday lol taurus szn
More weird copy paste shit was deleted.
supposed to rain today. 39% chance as of 5/12
I'm feeling this day if it's not Thursday. Monday flunks don't happen and hopefully weather will clear by now
Monday flunks are extremely common??
^^^Caitlin said she made up that fact for the Deb email to throw us off... maybe they want us to think it's Monday instead of today?
^^^^ there are statistics for flunk day at the top of this page. monday is literally the second most common day for flunk (at least in the past 20 years)
Let's fucking gooooooooo
UB sent out that email about the comedy carnival... hint hint?
Alumni laughing here. They are waiting until last possible week because of vaccination rates and lower transmission for as normal a Flunk day as possible.
can't be this day, email was just sent out about the robinson lecture being today at 4. 11:30pm is a weird time to send out an email.... maybe it was sent late so that people wouldn't have time to speculate.... MONDAY FLUNK CONFIRMED????
==May 19, 2021 (Wed)==
==May 19, 2021 (Wed)==
Senior Seminar for Literature Majors, it won't be this day. Also it's probably too late :p
Senior Seminar for Literature Majors, it won't be this day. Also it's probably too late :p
^^ in class on May 12, emily anderson said "it better not be the 19th" with a menacing, murderous look in her eyes so if anything this is just a warning
^^^I sure hope it's not this date, but also my predicto-pen said that it would be.
==May 20, 2021 (Thu)==
==May 20, 2021 (Thu)==
Thursday Flunk part 2: Electric Boogaloo?
Isaac Hughes has the defense of his honor on this day, and no one wants that to happen. This day confirmed
==May 24, 2021 (Mon)==
==May 24, 2021 (Mon)==
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^honestly? I’d be down
==May 26, 2021 (Wed)==
==May 26, 2021 (Wed)==
Fuck it... today’s Flunk Day!!
==May 27, 2021 (Thu)==
==May 27, 2021 (Thu)==
lol what if finals week flunk
lol what if finals week flunk
^ lol exams cancelled happy flunk, happy 2021, happy students, happy professors(since they dont have to grade)
==June 6, 2021 (Sun)==
==June 6, 2021 (Sun)==

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