Andrea Johnston

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Andrea Johnston wins at life. She knows lots of random facts, but has few or no marketable skills, and therefore majored in Creative Writing.


Born on a Superbowl Sunday, Andrea was marked for greatness from the beginning. She enjoyed a remarkable childhood in Huntington, IN, and then attended three different high schools in various parts of the state. Upon graduation, she ventured forth to the exotic locale of Galesburg, IL, to attend Knox College, where she lived many places, including Naked House (you know, the one next to Jazz House), Post 7, and the greatest apartment to ever grace Tompkins.


Andrea took part in far too many extracurricular activities, most of them involving music in some way. The most notable ones were ballroom dancing, handbells, and any choral group that would have her. She also kept meaning to submit to one or more of Knox's literary publications, but forgetting. In her free time, she also enjoyed reading, being a cultural observer, and talking politics. Furthermore, it was revealed on October 22, 2007 that she was in fact Penny Lane, co-host of the weekly WVKC show Beatlemania.

Internet Addiction[edit]

Andrea discovered in September of 2006 that she is severely addicted to the Internet, as evidenced by her multiple e-mail addresses, Facebook accounts, and various other social networking connections. In furtherance of this addiction, she then started a blog that is completely pointless, but has an awesome name.


Andrea wrote this page. But it's pretty much true. Especially the winning at life part.