Flunk Day 2015

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Considering the "Final Flunk" is already years passed, will there even be a Flunk Day this year? Is it always going to be on a Monday? Will Professor Umbridge (The Deans Southern) finally and forever kill fun? Will Students For Flunk Day Truth actually "battle against the academic gluttony of the East Coast Ivory Tower Intellectual Liberal Elitists" and once and for all convince the Knox community that Flunk Day is not, in fact, real? Most importantly, what we must ass ask ourselves at such times is, "Should I grab my bong and Pabst Blue Ribbon now and squeeze and extra 12 hours out of this Flunk Day or wait for the email?" For answers, we look to history: Flunk Day 2014, Flunk Day 2013, and so on. For tangible, informed sources of information, we know that only the true harbinger of Flunk is that revered pastoral scene of Xavier Romano and Roger Taylor riding Ol' Smokie (their unicorn) and puffing on their 6-footer. Until such a time comes: Flunk on, brave Flunkers, Flunk on.

June 18, 2014

Galesburg zoned for marijuana growing operations, THIS COULD BE HUGE.[1]