Steak House

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The splendor, the squalor, the Haus.

Steak House (STK) is located at 270 W. Tompkins, and was named as such for the 2008-09 academic year. Its occupants have defined themselves to be a rather classy bunch, and threw at least one Classy Party (including classy food, classy drink, and classy company) during the same year. When it got busted, it was with much class.

Most of the residents inhabited Seymour Hall the previous year, and it was during that time that the grand tradition of classiness was commenced. Simply put, these classy gents needed a suitable domicile in which they might house their classy endeavors. So far, it has worked out well, with the exception of the rats.

It is rumored the school charged Steak Haus residents $5,000 in damages at the end of the year.


Notable Parties[edit]

Meat n' Greet[edit]

Taking place on Saturday, January 17th, Meat n' Greet offered a (technically) non-fraternity alternative to the newly energized Knox population, though in reality, it was mainly freshmen. There was bacon. Every partygoer smelled like pigdeath for days.

Self-Loathing Party[edit]

It was Valentine's Day, and nobody was happy. The party was non-fictionalized by a young attendee, so you can ask Spencer about it if you have the inclination.

Classy Party[edit]

In celebration of the anniversary of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, the Steak Gentlemen orchestrated their first event of Spring Term. A pretentious and self-inflating time was had by all, with the help of the natural human inclination to want to show off how good it is possible for oneself to look in a socially-sanctioned context, and Trevor Sorenson's freshly-acquired bartending knowledge. Gimlets, Cosmos, and the inevitable shutdown by campus security would be the hallmarks of the evening.

Steak Aid 2009[edit]

Have you forgotten?

Every Day there wasn't a registered party[edit]

There was still a party.