John Perleberg

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John Perleberg will live in Neal 1 next year.

John Perleberg '10 is from Wichita, Kansas. He attended high school with Paige Barnum. They are both notable members of the Seymour 2 gang. He studies math and physics, with which he does all kinds of interesting things, like define god and calculate the outcome of D&D encounters. He claims to be conservative, but he's not a complete fool, so the Knox community generally tolerates him, despite his propensity towards smoking a pipe and spouting Libertarianisms. He originally had a single in Sherwin-Neifert but it became obvious that Seymour 2 was his true calling, so he and his dual-monitor watercooled monster moved in for the spring of '07. He was a participant in many of Seymour 2's greatest antics, even before living there. His name is commonly prefaced by "Ew."

See Also