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==Wednesday, April 27==
==Wednesday, April 27==
While lurking in the Old Main vents, I hovered above the women's bathroom and heard a female voice resembling Debbie Southern in between taco-in-a-bag grunts saying she's tired of dealing with (and i quote) "Flunk day shit" and that she's not looking forward to Wednesday <----- confirmed, my girlfriend claims she was in the stall next to her
'''PROFESSORS DO NOT KNOW WHEN FLUNK DAY IS UNTIL THE DAY OF. Let's remember that, folks.'''<--- That's a lie. A lot of them find out through the grapevine.
'''PROFESSORS DO NOT KNOW WHEN FLUNK DAY IS UNTIL THE DAY OF. Let's remember that, folks.'''<--- That's a lie. A lot of them find out through the grapevine.

Revision as of 18:29, 26 April 2011

Flunk Day 2011 was held on February 1, during the snowpocolypse. The real kicker was, no one noticed until noon, even the administration. The friars' were on the ball this year! hah

They're sending out the safety e-mail awfully late, aren't they? Perhaps they're going to pull another, send-it-out-Flunk-Day-is-the-next-day.

CONFIRMED: Safety lessons for the first years have been completed!

HEY CONGER AND NEAL! DIG THE FUCKING MUD PIT! How is flunk day season starting with no mud pit digging? MAKE ME A MUD PIT BITCHES! Seriously, buy a shovel, use your hands, steal spoons from the caf... Get it together, kids. essential: get yo walmart soil and water buckets ready!

Important Flunk Day Facts

It's time to remind everyone of important Flunk Day facts:

1) Seniors are full of lies, especially Bob Saget

2) The Friars are don't know they're Friars until they're taken for Flunk Day. Any Senior is a potential Friar.

3) Oft repeated 'signs' of Flunk Day are nothing more than Red Herrings (mowing lawns, canceling classes, field trips, events, games). Unless these are events planned well in advance they are not considered by Flunk Day planners.

4) Your professors, supervisors, RAs, and other authority figures do not know when Flunk Day is.<---- Campus security found out the day of Flunk over spring break. Most of them work other jobs and must clear their schedules for the entire day of festivities [ie. alcoholism].

5) Don't rely on the forecast. Rain just helps in the making of the mud pit.

6) Seriously, don't trust seniors.

7) Trust no one.

8) Question everything.

Flunk Day Planners

who are the known flunk day planners? What are their schedules? What are their habits?

  • Britt Anderson: Lives in Tompkins, very near Jil Gates. Much potential for shady business. Often seen going running. Spends a lot of time in GDH.
  • Martha Baumgarten: She is the TA of Advanced Comp T/Th from 10:40 to 11:50am. Lives off campus in the grey apartments across from the Quickie. Her roommate is Caroline Coatney. After Sam Martone did it, she started a twitter. Here's a link
  • Jack Moore: One of the tallest kids on campus. Trainer. Can often be seen riding a 'gator' around campus. Also a member of GQ.
  • Celestina Agyekum: She lives in the Admissions Suite in Four-Name and is choreographing for Terp this term.
  • Rachel Hautzinger: NOT a Flunk Day planner but may have been one if she hadn't been abroad, so maybe they tell her stuff anyways.
  • Roger Taylor '63: In a surprise "last-hurrah" move, Rog decided that he wanted to be a part of the planning this year. So far his ideas have been limited to gathering campus together to hear the speech on how he met his wife "just one last time!"
  • Alex Steven Hall: He is the coordinator of kickin buttocks. He has 3 years of valuable experience in the butt kicking field. He has an overweight, but adorable cat name Mr. Bojangles. He's actually a she. It is rumored that Ms. Kitty Bojangles is the oracle that brings the good news of flunk day to Alex every year. Both his parents work at the school. Also, the first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.

The Flunk Day Gift

...is Willy Wonka chocolate bars containing golden tickets!

There have been CONFIRMED sightings of these boxes of sugary delights being stored in the mailroom. Not the caf - THE MAIL ROOM.

Golden Ticket: Flunk Day, Admit One

rebecca black isn't funny anymore. the only people who find it funny are dickweeds <------- Your face is a dickweed <-----It's 420, let's smoke some dickweed. <----- Let's dick some weed.


Sam and Martha were in the gallery at dinner today claiming that the Senior who donates the most to save the Wiki Fire will automatically be a Friar. Shady or awesome?

Fun Friar Facts:

1) Friars come out BEFORE the e-mail. And normally not just a little before, anywhere up to 20 minutes before, in the age of Xavier, the dean of flunk, you would have to wait and be uncertain.

2) Seniors are Friars, sounds like a no-brainer, but some folks seem confused still

3) Once they take seniors, they take their phones, no communicating. Which means if you cant get a hold of a bunch of seniors sometime around 1 or 2...it MIGHT be flunk day.

4) Friars are loud...very loud...if you've heard a scare you are beginning to get what to expect.

5) Friars tend to be drunk and as such have a short life expectancy, if you miss your time on the flunk day friar express, be very sad

These are stupid

Thursday, April 7

I have a paper due next Wednesday. Obviously, Flunk Day is tomorrow. I've seen a few alumni in town, tomorrow must be flunk day.

LUKAS SHAW SAID HE WAS GOING TO POOP IN THE MUD PIT!!!! IF YOU SEE HIM PUNCH HIM IN THE ARM!!!...in other news...flunk day is next thursday<-----LIES!

The Choreographer's Workshop show starts next Thursday and the week after that is the Dance Residency with Margi Cole and the COLEctive

Wednesday, April 13

CONFIRMED - mailroom is locked but there is movement in the mailboxes behind the doors!

CONFIRMED- admissions counselor Sarah Colangelo was told to call prospies and cancel tours tomorrow -->>it's admitted students day tomorrow -->>Dude, tomorrow is Thursday. Admitted students day is Friday. -->> NONE of the students in the admitted students suite have a list of students who are coming and they usually get it a week in advance ^false^ admissions suites are gonna have a crapton of prospies, and I sincerely doubt they would have flunk day on/around admitted students day

Chris Johnson made up a computer program to predict Flunk Day and it predicted either tomorrow or May 4 and he got into MIT's computer science program. -->> so? the safety e-mail isn't out yet -->> in past years the safety e-mail has come out the day of, Sam Martone tweeted about it. -->> That's legit regardless of when FD is.

It's going to be too cold. They won't do it yet. Jeez. Freshmen. -->> There were two record breaking highs this week. We're having the highest temperatures since the 1970's. Check the weather report.

MAILBOXES BEING STUFFED. REPEAT. MAILBOXES BEING STUFFED. *Wonders how many freshmen are running to the mailroom* --> Seriously, the planners were dumb last year and got video taped stuffing the boxes at 11:30. The planners this year wouldn't be dumb enough to stuff them at 10:00. Maybe they were figuring that no one would be paying attention since no email yet?

CONFIRMED- Kieth in dish room (reliable from previous years) says that Flunk Day will be tomorrow. Extra food was brought in on previous shipment. Related: extra candy was stocked during last C Store delivery. -->> they were selling new candy in the gizmo today (the gummy lifesaver things) too it must have come in from somewhere. Keith doesn't work here anymore.

Someone should check in town, hotels, wallmart, etc. for carnival equipment.

Someone has a camera on their phone. Go get a video or picture of stuffed mailboxes. -->> Can't doors are locked. --> The doors have windows in them, the mail boxes have windows in them. They got video last year. -->> I live in seymur I checked my mail at 8 p.m. and it was locked they'd be done by now


^ Do you live in Galesburg? We're at the intersection of 74, 34, and 150. Trucks pull off and park overnight ALL THE TIME. What's the sign on the truck say? Trucks alone mean nothing.

The seniors are at Senior bowling tonight. Someone check the lanes or at least make sure the shuttles actually bring them back.

Spotted: known planner Celestina is going to bed. Tomorrow is not Flunk Day!

Thursday, April 14

Willy Wonka bars were received at Knox on Wednesday April 13th. Also, there is NOTHING scheduled on the 14th. Flunk Day?

Willy Wonka is already drunk. Flunk Day is today. <--- You are my favorite.

The mud pit has gone from awkward lumpy grass to awkward lumpy dirt clumps. Conger/Neal has also summoned a TORNADO to aid in the mud pit digging process.

Monday, April 18

The safety email has gone out the morning of Flunk Day at-least on one occasion.

The safety email is officially sent out. Though not as humorous as previous emails sent out by Xavier, the meaning is the same: Flunk Day IS tomorrow.

Today and tomorrow are Passover and yesterday was the beginning of Holy Week leading up to Easter. We ain't gonna Flunk this week. -->Since when has Knox planned around religious events.

11:55am: Roger Taylor was just standing on cherry street across from the old jail and an unmarked SUV stopped and then sped away. Roger was no longer standing there. Clearly a secret flunk day rendezvous with willy wonka himself is taking place.

Tuesday, April 19

Safety email on Monday, Flunk Day has to be Tuesday!

10:48 PM, flashlights spotted in the mailroom. it better not be flunk day tomorrow. but seems like it is...--> Clearly, all sign are pointing towards tomorrow being flunk day

Just ran into Helmut in the restroom down the hall from founders. Depsite the funny accent, why is he here?

out at walmart. seems like we are not the only once to get booze. This could be HUGE!

12:27 AM it is confirmed. Flunk Day is tomorrow Helmut spotted AGAIN in the CAF.. IT IS FLUNK DAY TOMORROW.... whoever had the idea: nice job but way early!


Martha Baumgarten (Sr. Flunk Day Planner) seen drinking at Sigma Chi at 11:23PM, time for you to start too! (Confirmed)--> That would make it too obvious...

Wednesday, April 20

Flunk Day won't happen on 420 because that is the Cirque de Soleil trip and many people, who have paid money to go, will be disappointed. Also, Union Board puts on the Cirque Du Soleil trip. Wouldn't have happened if it was flunk day. --> Has anyone confirmed tickets were ACTUALLY purchased or has seen them in person?--> Thought the same thing, but it seems that collecting the $$$ for the "fake tickets," then returning the $$$ would be quite a hassle.

Don't let this stop you from celebrating though!

Thursday, April 21

Women's tennis meet with Dubuque canceled because they "couldn't come." Why couldn't they come and why did they just back out now? Suspicious.<-- The match was never listed on Dubuque's schedule, only on Knox's. Sketchy. <-- Messaged a girl on the Dubuque team. She said they were never scheduled to come to Galesburg.<--So it's obvious that the game was never scheduled for realz. Is this just a ploy, that was built into the schedule, to throw us off?

Again, Choreographer's Workshop opens that night. Not gonna happen this week <------does anyone know for a fact that the planners agreed to this?<---- They can't do it on a show day, because then all of the work the student's put together, on any show, it wasted. It'd be a bull shit move if it were on Thursday.<----I'm not saying it's fair but they have made "bullshit" moves before

Overheard Debbie Southern in the Rog Lodge: "I haven't written the email yet, I've got to get on that." What's the hurry Debbie?

Friar texts are out. Senior meeting is tonight. Coincidence?

~ Talked to THE SOURCE TODAY. Flunk Day is SOONER than expected. But later than some assumed.<--Please elaborate about who "The Source" is. ....>>>>Saw Helmut talking about it (How often can you say Flunk in a dialog if you arent talking about it) today in his language (austrian ? german ?) to another person. Girl behind me said she kept understanding "Tomorrow". -->> omg i did see that too! But ok just because u heard them talking it doesn't mean it's true.

HyVee catering van seen leaving Seymour loading dock around 1:30. > CONFIRMED (Would they be that stupid?) -->> Pi Phi's had their Founder's Day Dinner, which is a catered event and could account for this. -->> At 1:30 am?? Smells like Flunk Day. <-- This was posted this afternoon, referring to 1:30 PM.

Overheard certain seniors talking about receiving a friar txt on 4/20. Overheard other seniors being pissed about not getting friar txts. -> CONFIRMED

This is HUGE, Flunk day is Thursday!

>Flunk Day Shirts are in the Mail! Why distribute them already if it aint flunk day tomorrow?

Pasta Night on a Tuesday and Breakfast for Dinner on a Wednesday? Now they're just messing with us.

Unconfirmed reports of Seniors disappearing from Cirque trip. Friars?<-- Cirque just got out. Too fascinating a show to be bothered with texting people back. Try again in 5 minutes.

Has there been mudpit activity? Peeps better get on it; Flunk day def. tomorrow. Heard seniors are loading up on pallets of Key Stone, etc. <---Pallets?! Do you know much "Key Stone" is in a pallet?

OVERHEARD IN CAFE, a bunch of basketball players asked if JACK MOORE was going to senior night, he responded "no, too much work to do", both the senior planners are on the trip to Cirque Du Soliel, and the other junior planner doesn't drink... THIS IS HUGE!!! This is awesome!

THURSDAY'S PERFORMANCE OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE CANCELLED DUE TO "DAMAGED EQUIPMENT IN STUDIO THEATER." <---FALSE<--- Two of the dancers of connective tissue think velociraptors are more likely to eat you than the canceling of Connective Tissue <---- Production Manager of Connective Tissue says you're full of shit. Both dress rehearsals ran smoothly, gels are fine, lights are fine, dancers are fine. Suck it.

Anyone who has read the past years' Flunk Day pages knows the picture that was just posted is complete BS. Thinking tomorrow isn't FD and everyone is getting worked up.

I tasted the earth near the mud pit and the result was salty. This foretells the imminent trampling of the ground by many muddy feet. FLUNK DAY!

zomg zomg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMF0E-wU0Us THIS IS HUGE<--Clearly video from last year.

11:30PM- JACK MOORE WALKING TOWARDS THE QUICKIE WEARING A BLACK HOODIE trying to cover his face, I thought he said he had to get work done. SOMEONE BUM RUSH HIM AND SEE WHAT HE's UP TOO!!!!

11:14 pm - Helmut seen leaving the caf.Image:P1040096.JPG This is the same picture from last year!!!!!! <- no it isn't <- confirmed <- At least save and upload a new copy of the photo so its not time stamped when you click on it. <- confirmed <- NOT CONFIRMED should have done a better job with copying the picture from the 2009 FLUNK DAY - It clearly was removed by the user in the 2009 post and reloaded in the 2011 post.

Flunk Day shirts seen in mail boxes. <== CONFIRMED

Just got a mysterious phone call, caller id said "unknown number". Tomorrow is flunk day.

Someone just screamed in the vicinity of Seymour/Post Lawn. Flunk Day or midterms? You decide.

Empty fifth of Captain in the stall of the men's room by the Rog Lodge. The Flunk Gods have given their sign.

Scratched My ass...Flunk is Tomorrow!

Today is the TRIO trip to Chicago, it's been on the schedule since forever i.e. way before fall term so today is NOT Flunk Day!<- Flunk Day doesn't give a shit about TRIO. FLUNK DAYYYYY!!!!

Definitely el dia de flunk my friends!

- Cab driver said it was going to be a "big day". Does Knox make sure cabs know when to drive drunk students?

- 'Goldenticket' is trending on Twitter. ITS FLUNK DAY BITCHES

It's 4:57. No email. Still desperately holding out hope, but the friars pretty much would have had the whole place in an uproar by now if it were Flunk Day. Sad daaaaaay. Is there not even going to be a scare?! I'm gonna be pretty pissed if there isn't a scare, at least. <<there is your scare. do you hear them? they are very loud. 5:23. Last year the email wasn't out til 6, anyway. <---SCORE!! Thanks for pulling through scarers and/or Flunkers. :D Email? Email?!! Email now?! If it's just a scare, it's a really good one.

Persistent scare...

Just called campus safety: not flunk day.

confirmed. time to go to bed.

So scares are starting, flunk day is coming!

So, Anna Meier is interviewing Martha and Britt right now in the Gizmo. FLUNK DAY is being talked about... potential interview for the TKS. Potentially not... potentially dropping hints. Flunk Day will most certainly be next week, judging by their body language and facial expressions. Nervousness seems to be peaking.

Friday, April 22

I really hope Flunk Day doesn't happen before this, because I need to get paid so I can buy alcohol.

Also, this likely means Flunk Day will happen before this day ("pay day"), because then too many students will be too broke to get drunk.

JACK MOORE seen in the Gizmo rushing to get "WORK" done!... UB planners seen buying alcohol at WalMart. Coincidence...I think not. EL DIA DE FLUNK BITCHES!!!<-- Glad to see you've got time travel worked out.<-- Time travel = El Dia de Flunk?? :O

Flunk Day is never on a Friday. We will have to wait until next week.

Birds heard chirping from Neifert House around 2 am. This means that Flunk day can't happen today or over the next 5 weekdays.

Monday, April 25

Softball with MacMurray College CANCELED.

Today, Saturday the 23rd, overheard Britt Anderson talking about the stress of Flunk Day planning and how she hoped everything goes well.... seems to be really on her mind this week!

Overheard Debbie Southern talking to Heather Poppy about how she "hopes that no one gets hurt in that mud pit". They sounded as though they were concerned with the near future.

Trudy the caf worker was complaining about storing the big food order that just came in because it makes it hard to order the regular stuff for the week. <--- Eddie, who orders all the food, got the flunk day menu last Wednesday. Flunk soon?

Upper post resident spotted eating calendar. <--CONFIRMED!

Gizmo worker spotted random old man, why would he be here on a Easter Sunday night and lingering around the Gizmo ordering weird things while looking out of the window??<-----Prolly a crackhead got ahold the wrong stuff <----- Not a crackhead, he was surveying the lawns and looking at his watch. Coincidence? I think not! ---> AND then he sat in founders at one of the computers??!? Killing TIME PERHAPS??? <---------Knew the old man was not involved in Flunk Day!!! How is one old man eating grilled cheese with pickles connected to Flunk Day????

10:45 PM - Activity in the mail room! Tomorrow IS Flunk Day!

11:40ish PM Trashbags over mailroom door windows <--- Evidence, please? <--- Go to the mailroom and see for yourself. lazy. <--- Trash bags have been removed, but left carelessly on the bench. THIS COULD BE HUGE.

Flunk Day does not exist. <---- CONFIRMED

Prospies are on campus and they are not robots. Flunk Day is not today. <--- how do you know they aren't robots <-- there were prospies on campus during last years Flunk day. They had their purple folders and everything.

Now Softball with Lakeforest College got CANCELED too <-- Considering it's supposed to POUR RAIN all day tomorrow, I'm not surprised.

Garbage bags were on Mail Room Windows and are now taken down, <---- CONFIRMED Sam Martone overheard in Gizmo, no Friar-texts as of 11 p.m.

Ben Reeves, official Flunk Day prediction for April 25, 60%. Paul C. Flunk Day algorithm returns tomorrow as a possible Flunk Day. May 2 most probable, however.

11:40 PM Video proof of mailroom activity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ ---> I got *actual* footage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0 <---NOT FUNNY -_-

Celestina, FLUNK DAY PLANNER, was not at Terp rehearsal tonight(9-10:30 pm, & her whereabouts were unknown....plus, Sam Martone looked super sketchy as he dashed away from the Rodge Lodge around midnight.... hmmm

---> who?

Gabe Paz cancelled his radio show... LOL?--->he can't keep a secret, he's been dropping hints for a while...


3:30 AM is weather really a factor for Flunk Day?

Knox Staff seen wandering outside Post Hall at 4:31 AM. Do they always get here this early?

Tuesday, April 26

The date of last year's flunk day.

Today, Monday the 25th, the caf workers were in an absolute tizzy, gossiping, running around the kitchen, all acting very excited and strange. Helmut was in an amazingly cheerful mood, kept calling random workers into his office, and there was a lot of whispering going on, with awkward glances toward student workers. The flunk day t-shirts that were labeled "Oak Room" and have been sitting in the office for a little over a week mysteriously disappeared today. Flunk Day is OBVIOUSLY the 26th!!!!!

Bob Seibert: If Flunk Day is tomorrow, then it is to be the most miserable in modern history."

You know its flunk day tomorrow, because a certain person just opened another beer again.... just in case. >>> You know who we are talking about Ryan Stones.

I doubt it is flunk day ANY day of this week. The dance dept brought in The Dance COLEctive for the whole week and probably paid too much money to cancel its schedule for a whole day. WAH WAH >>> doesnt really start until the 28th of April.. so that does mean anything >>> " Dance COLEctive will lead workshops with the Galesburg Boys & Girls Club on April 25, and the Galesburg Initiative for Girls program on April 27. " (Source: Knox College - Events & News) This means there is nothing scheduled for April 26.<--- April 26th there is a Master Class in Contemporary Dance Technique <--It was during the dance residency 3 years ago. <---CONFIRMED.

Greg Gilbert's birthday was yesterday. Wouldn't Knox do everything in its power to throw him the ULTIMATE belated birthday bash? Put away your Sunday edition of the New York Times, Greg. FLUNK DAY IS TODAY!

Raja was crowned the winner of Drag Race. Flunk Day must be tomorrow! -->work! -->ALEXIS MATEO WAS ROBBED!<--- Don't you be throwin' no shade over here!

Wednesday, April 27

While lurking in the Old Main vents, I hovered above the women's bathroom and heard a female voice resembling Debbie Southern in between taco-in-a-bag grunts saying she's tired of dealing with (and i quote) "Flunk day shit" and that she's not looking forward to Wednesday <----- confirmed, my girlfriend claims she was in the stall next to her

PROFESSORS DO NOT KNOW WHEN FLUNK DAY IS UNTIL THE DAY OF. Let's remember that, folks.<--- That's a lie. A lot of them find out through the grapevine.

Zen Buddhist Sitting Meditation Practice(?). Also, the date of birth of Ulysses S. Grant, aka Lincoln's BFF. Flunk day is obviously April 27th. (This is by far the best reasoning I've ever heard for Flunk Day.)

Overhead in Gizmo on 4/19/2011: A Campus Safety office was overheard saying he was scheduled for eight extra hours on some unspecified day this week. EIGHT EXTRA FLUNK DAY HOURS???

Cleaning lady talked about two professors canceling classes for this day and that the cafeteria almost had all the flunk day food. Knox Cleaning staff got the inside scoop.<-----This is confirmed!

Jil Gates is MYSTERIOUSLY UNAVAILABLE to meet any time today. Come on. COME ON.<---This is confirmed. She's refusing to meet until Friday.

Kathleen Drake also "unavailable" until Thursday. She wanted to meet with a student this week but would only meet Thursday or Friday. Fishy, fishy... <-- THIS IS HUGE!!!

Random sports event canceled by another college. When students at said college are asked why, they reply that "[sports event] never was planned." EGADS! SOMEBODY CALL PYTHAGORAS!

Professor Polite doesn't have a film viewing scheduled for his Philosophy and Fantasy class, even though there has been one every Wednesday this term. THIS COULD BE HUGE!

Nothing substantial happening this day...It's going to happen today so that it does not interfere with Lincoln fest or the dance performance. --What about Caxton Club? <--Indeed. And this lady is coming from New York. Which is kind of a big fucking deal. Which casts much doubt on the probability of Flunk Day happening this day. <-- But this most likely wasn't planned far enough in advance. Bigger things have been screwed over before..

Overheard common senior meeting frequenter saying they would not be attending senior meeting this week, FOR NO REASON. Clearly it's because flunk day is this day.---Roger threatening to cancel future senior meetings? Ploy for Flunk Day??

Student worker was told "See you on Friday"... She normally works on Wednesdays too <--Can you confirm? This could be huge

Dead squirrels on the ground. Earth worms rising up. FLUNK DAY? <===Flunk Day for earthworms. I bet they are the flunkiest worms.<===Dead squirrels are from the wrath of Olivia Williams

1:40pm Debbi Southern seen riding with campus safety in golf cart surveying the mud pit<----NOT TRUE. I live next to the mud pit and Debbie was not "surveying" it at 1:40.<--- NOT not true, you mean to tell me you notice EVERYTHING, ALL the time that goes on outside, just because you live there? I was just standing next to the mud pit. What do I look like?<=== You look STUPID, Debbie Southern was NOT by the mud pit. I guard that shit, I'd know.<--- You don't guard SHIT, because I SAW Debbi Southern riding with campus safety in a golf cart

1pmish Mowing of the lawns despite wet grass/a bit of rain too.

Also around 1: Kathleen Drake seen walking around the quads, near the mud pit...<-- She doesn't know when it is and is the supervisor of Quads so it makes sense she'd be around<--Actually, She is the supervisor of the quads AND knows when Flunk Day is.<--- Jil Gates is the only person in Campus Life who knows when Flunk Day is<--I had a conversation with Jillian and she was super bummed because she was the only one of the 4 supervisors to not know. <---- I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE ANYMORE<--- KATHLEEN KNOWS, Jillian doesn't

Tuesday, 3PM- Power goes out in Post. Must be Flunk Day <--- CONFIRMED. Power also went out in SMC. Flunk day re-boot?

Sysco Food shipment arrived at Seymour about 10 a.m. Flunk Day delivery?<-- THIS COULD BE HUGE<--- Confirmed THIS IS HUGE Flunk Day is tomorrow! <-- This is a big deal, food shipments usually come on MONDAYS!

Calendar next to Gizmo register has April 27th marked as Flunk Day. Coincidence? Could this be huge? Alert Admiral Ackbarr <-- IT'S A TRAP!

There are overnight prospies, though. No chance tomorrow is Flunk Day.<--------- Actually, there are no perspective students here overnight. Prospective students were here on Monday.<--Can you confirm? This could be huge! <---- This is untrue. While there were prospectives overnight Sunday/during the day Monday, there are 2 overnights scheduled for tonight (Tuesday night) and 3 for Wednesday night. The Wednesday ones are sketchy though. FLUNK DAY IS THURSDAY, SPREAD THE WORD PEOPLE<-- I overnighted on a FLunk day as a prospie. this means nothing, just that they are lucky fucks! I second that! there were prospies here last year on flunk day!<---There are 8 prospies tomorrow...i wish i would've came on flunk day. rough.


Prof. that previously said we would have class if FD landed on a Weds said that if it were tomorrow, class is cancelled Thursday. What does this MEAN??<-----------Which prof? please say Fineberg!

Extra trash bags delivered to various places on campus.<----what does it MEAN?<---Where were they delivered?<-- Trash bags are used to keep everything from getting muddy. You tape them to the floor to prevent costly damage.<-- RA's

Spotted: Flunk Day Planners Martha and Britt at Discount. They were in search of a particular type of tequila that Discount did not have in stock. The man who was working told them that it would be in Thursday. They said that was not it time. They needed it today. CONFIRMED FLUNK DAY IS TOMORROW! <---Please confirm THIS COULD BE HUGE!<--- It says CONFIRMED! THIS IS HUGE!!!

Random constipated-looking stranger enters the Rog Mahal with a box and leaves without it. <-- Refilling the vending machines. Tomorrow is Flunk Day.<--- Did you get a free bomb?

Jil and Kathleen disappeared early from office today. Where'd they go? THIS COULD BE HUGE<--- CONFIRMED, they were both out of the office when I went in there at 2:30 <--- CONFIRMED Jil just spotted going into the Campus Life Office at 6:15pm.... Flunk day MUST be Tomorrow!<---SOMEONE STALK JIL ALL NIGHT

Overheard that Flunk Day will be a good way to celebrate the Royal Wedding...which is on Friday!<-- Stupid, Flunk Day will NEVER be on a Friday <---NO, the Royal Wedding is on Friday...the comment was implying that FD would therefore be this week!

There was a massive rainbow outside Target today, which means flunk day has to be tomorrow.<--- Was it a TRIPLE RAINBOW????<--- Who are you? What are you doing at Target? Getting a Flunk Day stash? HUH?? HUHHHH??????

Best be getting that mud pit ready tonight, just in case... Come on, Freshmen, I even started it for you. Do your job.

3:40 pm: Large shipment received in the mailroom via Fed Ex Ground. The two workers there were suspicious when the package was for Campus Life. Even more suspicious when Jil had to knock on the door in order to pick up the package after the doors were locked at 4. She said it was "really important" and she "forgot the mail room closed at 4 pm". Why so desperate, Jil?<-----THIS IS HOW WE KNEW LAST YEAR! Most of the time when big packages come in they wait until the next day to get delivered by Casual Labor, but if it can't wait until tomorrow morning....!!

4 p.m. Tuesday: Campus safety seen WALKING campus in groups.<-- CONFIRMED <--- DOUBLE CONFIRMED!!! <-- Campus safety walks around a lot, so this means absolutely nothing.

5:45 PM Flunk day damages warning email sent to small houses!<--confirmed.<-------------THIS IS HUGE<--DOUBLE CONFIRMED

5:46 PM Flunk day damages done to small houses.<------Wait, you did damage ALREADY?

Professors have been cancelling class thursday for several reasons that seem to come out of nowhere... Perhaps a way to cancel class and not have to come to campus to see drunken students?<--Professors don't know any more than we do

Martha has been asking in casual conversations if some seniors were going out tonight...making sure they will be around for the senior call?!

Senior meeting is tomorrow...but you cant register parties ON CAMPUS!, perfect way to let seniors who are friars and pass out early, get their night time party on

Calendar is clear for Wednesday except for Caxton Club...Nancy Miller would TOTALLY be up for the mud pit...

Pasta night usually on wednesday, but falls tonight in the oak room... flunk day-induced menu rearrangement? <-- CONFIRMED, Flunk Day is tomorrow. <--DOUBLE CONFIRMED, maybe they will reuse the uneaten garlic bread for FLUNK DAY!? Just maybe...

6:08 pm- Look how fast those clouds are moving! The flunk day gods are moving ALL the clouds away from campus for ideal flunk day conditions! <-- CONFIRMED<--DOUBLE CONFIRMED, Zeus loves flunk day

WORD on the street is that there is going to be a MASS mud-pit digging operation in the middle of the night. Coincidence, or PREPARATION FOR FLUNK DAY!?

5:20pm- Two Caf workers were spotted leaving their shift early, perhaps to return later that night to help prepare FLUNK DAY BREAKFAST?

Tomorrow is the day with the best weather this week and next week (not including Fridays), therefore FLUNK DAY IS TOMORROW! <---Weather is irrelevant!

Alumni Email Recieved. <-- Confirmed <--Post a screenshot for proof!

Isn't Dan Savage scheduled to present on the 27th? I heard they paid ridiculous amounts of money to get him to come. <---Um...? He's scheduled to be on campus on the 4th. Get with the times, youngin'.

Can't be tomorrow; not a single velociraptor has been sighted yet. <--- False, I just spotted one by the softball field. <--- Rup?

I just found 20 bucks on the ground outside the library. Muhammad clearly wants me to have an awesome flunk day, which is tomorrow<----can you confirm this?

Oak Room abuzz with Flunk Day gossip although when asked the card swiper was as coy as ever...

Stray cat found hiding behind sign in front of Sigma Nu. Flunk day is DEFINITELY tomorrow. <-- CONFIRMED

The ghost of past flunk day master seen hitting the magical 4-foot bong that only appears on Flunk Day eve!!! IT'S DEFINITELY TODAY!!!!!! <-----CONFIRMED!

Seymour library's copy of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' checked out...maybe the Flunk Day planners are doing some last minute research??

John Schlaf gives sketchy hints to him "not knowing" when Flunk Day is. Caught off guard about the possibility that tomorrow is Flunk Day.

Also rumor has it that a LARP'er knows that it is tomorrow. and the LARP'ers are all knowing!<---As a LARPer, CONFIRMED <THUNDERBOLT, THUNDERBOLT, THUNDERBOLT!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTFWmdvBbZE signs its Flunk Day. Despite it being from last year.

Zeus and velociraptor spotted meeting with Helmut. The day approaches! <-- CONFIRMED

Sue Hulett just sent a mysterious email pushing a big assignment (due tomorrow) back until next week. Flunk? <-- During fifth period, I overheard her telling another teacher about Flunk Day. She implied that she knew when Flunk Day was, and they both giggled impishly.

7:47PM Bunnies w/ babies outside of Wiliston. FLUNK DAY BUNNIES!!!! <-- They flunked without protection

Saw Jack Moore hydrating at dinner....MUST BE FLUNK DAY!

People are already DRUNK on campus!!! It MUST be flunk day!

Saw a black squirrel...FLUNK DAY!?! <-- CONFIRMED. he lives in a tree outside exec <---- he also has a restraining order against Olivia Williams <----Not funny.....anyways the black squirrel was spotted in a golf cart with debbie southern surveying the mud pit. <----CONFIRMED

8:00 Debbie Southern seen doing battle with Doctor Doom outside SMC. <--- 8:15, Doctor Doom seen with ice pack on head, surveying mud pit. Flunk Day? <--- 8:20 Lyle asks Doctor Doom if he's pregnant, prescribes codine and a z-pack, and sends him off with a fistful of condoms. <-- Sounds like a normal day to me

Thursday, April 28

There will be golfers golfing on this day, but the planners don't seem to really care about golf too much.

Today, (april 14) Helmut said that he does not know the date of flunk day, and that they will only inform him of the date two weeks before. Therefore flunk day must be on or after april 28. It is possible that helmut was just messing with me.

Inside information from the sports information desk says that if a possible "date" were to be selected for flunk day, "I would bet all my money on April 28th"

It's only been three years since they fucked over the golf team—why not do it again?! Because now we like the Golf team, two years ago it was filled with ass hole super douche bags that NOBODY liked. Let's not screw them again and let's all be thankful that those guys are GONE.

It's Flunk Day planner Britt Anderson's birthday today! Hmmm... It's definitely on Britt's birthday. FLUNK DAY IS THURSDAY!

Britt seemed especially stressed and worried about this week. She claims to have two "midterms". Two of her classes don't have midterms. Clearly a front.

Monday, May 2

THIS COULD BE HUGE. ... no. it is rarely on a monday. at least unlikely... <---- according to a stastical analysis of 20 Years of Flunk days Monday is 24% of Flunk Days It was a Monday last year. <--- It is highly unlikely that they will have Flunk Day on two Mondays in a row. Highly unlikely. <--- Monday May 2nd equals Flunk Day. Bitches

May Faculty meeting rescheduled from the 2nd to the 9th! Faculty say a sketchy reason was given. <== Roger rescheduled the meeting, and he doesn't know when Flunk Day is. The faculty meeting is irrelevant. <-- Silly freshmen, of COURSE Roger knows when Flunk Day is. A professor apparently told a student that it was rescheduled because "both the President and the Dean will be out of town." Hmmmm... sketchy indeed..

Calendar is clear on this day.

According to Andy Civettini's analysis of Flunk Day data, Flunk Day has a 51% chance of occurring this week. <--- Who gave you this info, he won't even share it with the fucking class <--- Not your class. <--- We have a professor in this thread.

Senior class speaker scheduled this evening. Seniors obviously do not care if there speaker meeting is rescheduled. TODAY MUST BE FLUNK DAY <-----I heard this meeting is not real. The real senior speaker meeting is the following week. <-- False, but it was scheduled just last week, so obviously it doesn't prevent Flunk Day.

Tuesday, May 3

Gale Scholars are being inducted this day so it is very very unlikely for flunk day to be tuesday. Nobody is going to mess with the Gale Scholars, they are in Jr. High. So unless it is a lie that the Gale Scholars are going to be there, no flunk day.

What, it's not like they've never seen someone shitfaced. And if they haven't, it's an important part of an education. Clearly the Flunk Day Planners are trying to throw us off the scent. May 3rd is Flunk Day!

Further, the Gale House is off-campus on North St. Well away from our muddy carnage. Martha's lies continue.

Don’t listen to this, I know for sure it isn’t this coming tuesday. -> This coming Tuesday is April 25th.

Campus Life and OSD have "training" schedule all day...suspicious?--> Training for the beer olympics! It's flunk day, BITCHES!

Wednesday, May 4

APO's Blood Drive is on this day. Last year's Spring drive was on Flunk Day, therefore it must be the 4th! -->> APO's blood drive was CANCELED and has to be re-scheduled! No reason was given!

The Dan Savage event is on this day. Why would Shag bring Dan Savage two years in a row? Someone said if events aren't sent into Student life before like March, they can't be considered to be saved from Flunk day. A. Is this true? B. When was this event scheduled? PLEASE RESPOND!!!! COULD BE HUGE!!! --> Yes, this is true, and I'm pretty sure they decided on bringing in Dan Savage waaaaay after the day for Flunk Day had been picked...-->> They sent out the survey to bring him over SPRING BREAK. How was his schedule free on such short notice?

^this is obviously an elaborate ploy by Gabe Paz to get belligerently drunk with Dan Savage.<---CONFIRMED! <--This could be HUGE!<--CONFIRMED! Just spoke to a very drunk Gabe Paz in the Rog Lodge!

They paid over $10,000 to bring him. Flunk Day is not May 4.--->>Or maybe he's just the evening entertainment.<----- Union Board scheduled Dan Savage wayyyy after flunk day was picked. Reportedly a business club member was upset at something about the Dan Savage event. Apparently this is in the working to be rescheduled...---> FALSE! Roger is the biggest donor to the event today is not flunk day--> Roger doesn't know when Flunk Day is so it doesn't matter! shag would get pissed --->Yeah, it would be unfortunate, but considering Flunk Day was planned before SHAG decided to bring Dan Savage in, it's not like they can do anything about it and it's not the Flunk day planners' faults.

Thursday, May 5

since flunk day last year was so cold, the planners might plan it even later to ensure warmth. May 5th is always warm. IT'S SCIENCE.

A Cinco de Mayo Flunk Day? yeah right. YEAH! RIGHT?

El dia de flunk returns!!!!1

CINCO DE DRINK-O! There is nothing real on the calendar. Today is Flunk day.

There are a significant number of alums visiting on this day.---> didn't alums show up to last years flunk day? <--alums ALWAYS show up, and sometimes they know loooong before depending on how gossipy the planners are, get with it!

Wednesday, May 11

Exit the King opens on this day.--> since Knox theater sucks it'll be this day --> rude, Knox theatre is the tits

It must be Flunk Day. Instead of a monarchy, we have a democracy; thus, instead of a king we have a president; thus, king = equivalent of president. ROGER TAYLOR IS RETIRING, thus, Exit the King = Exit Roger Taylor; thus, Flunk Day = celebration of Roger Taylor, thus, FLUNK DAY IS TODAY!

There is also a Dining Etiquette Class on this day, and Terrie Saline told me she didn't want it to happen then. -->> OH MAN NOT DINING ETIQUETTE!! -->> i would gladly trade a lifetime of dining etiquette perfection for one flunk day. o the power and the glory.

Flunk Day email, wherefore art thou?

^wherefore=why, wherefore != where. Stop making our college look dumb. (I would be more concerned with people making our college look like pretentious fucks who over react when someone gets the meaning of "wherefore" wrong. My god, what is wrong with you?) Union Board has already signed up for shifts, in past years this has happened only hours or days before flunk day. The TKS Flunk Day issue has been reportedly moved from its original resting place. Flunk day Friars are only allowed to enter their names on golden tickets until today. Hypothesis: the flunk day email will go out this Tuesday, therefore Wednesday April 20th, will be flunk day to throw everyone off. This is why the flunk day email hasn't gone out yet, they're waiting until just before the real day comes along.

Liz, do you really think a 420 Flunk Day will actually happen? Also, you're a senior. Can we trust you?

Flunk Day won't happen on 420 because that is the Cirque de Soleil trip and many people, who have paid money to go, will be disappointed. Also, Union Board puts on the Cirque Du Soleil trip. Wouldn't have happened if it was flunk day. --> Has anyone confirmed tickets were ACTUALLY purchased?

Flunk Day T-Shirts

This is an odd thing this year. Would the planners really be stupid enough to wait to distribute the t-shirts until the day of? I doubt.<--I heard purchased shirts will be stuffed in one's mailbox. <-Shirts HAVE been stuffed in mailboxes!

So, I think that as long as the shirts are out of our hands, so is El Dia de Flunk.

Mud Pit

The Mud Pit was helped along by maintenance 4/19/11 at around 10am, clearly tomorrow is Flunk Day....

But they put SAND in it. They're trying to fill it in so the rain doesn't help it along.--> Don't fret, the mud pit will be in full glory come flunk day.

GET ON THIS SHIT. For real. Every day I see the sorry abomination we are currently calling the mud pit and I'm concerned it aren't further along than this.