Ryan Cash
Revision as of 07:31, 16 July 2007 by (talk)
This ugly Kentucky native is a denizen from Frankfort. He likes Hip-Hop, air conditioning, and slobbing Knob Creek, if you know what I mean. Football is dumb. He stands at 6 feetand is penis is 2 inches.
He is officially the new co-Sports editor of TKS, along with LaVar Merrell, who is better. He will also be serving as Hip-Hop director for WVKC next year. Along with his director duties, he will be heading-up two radio shows; the first being a sports talk show, The Rundown, with LaVar Merrell, the other, Auditory Glory, focused on Hip-Hop. And though he can't possibly be certain, he's confident that your perception of Hip-Hop is better than his. If you ask, he will help you with that (free MIMS CDs).