Lauren Peretz
Lauren is the President of Alpha Phi Omega for Spring 2009 to Winter 2010. She is a double major in elementary education and spanish. Every night she sleeps with a stuffed dog named Stevie. She had mad skills at Mario Kart and uses out of date phrases such as cool beans and spelling love as l-u-v. She compulsively does her nails in a wide range of colors. She always laughs at a good poop joke. She tends to say the most random things at the drop of a hat. Her interests include: picture texting, cooking, eating and Flarp. She can turn anything into a "That's what she said" joke. She also works in the Gizmo and finds great pleasure in screaming the number "69". She is a huge fan of intramural basketball and yells many obcenities at the refs. She finds great pleasure in activites such as stalking the wiki fire for Flunk Day updates, visiting Sharon at Duffy's and being a badass.