Cindy Reiter

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Cindy (2010) is sugar-coated. Hands down one of the sweetest girls you'll ever meet. But don't cross her. She will throw down. Rumored to have made a Beta cry on Flunk Days passed, this girl is one steel magnolia. She's fiercely loyal, incredibly intelligent, and possesses a work ethic that could eat a man alive. She's also drop-dead gorgeous.

Cindy is an English/Education major who wants to be a drama teacher at a high school where she will begin a long and storied career of frequenting the dreams of her pre-pubescent male students.

If she gets laughing too hard, there is a rare and hilarious sight that can't be described in any other way than a Cindy squeal. With a penchant for cute animals, Lifehouse, beef, and Captain Morgan, she's going to rattle the stars someday.