Brian Lowe

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Sometimes of earth, he stares at them

Few butchers to hang their cuts any in the window more

His thoughts do not keep long in a grain-silo mind

It is fitting that the girls no longer bare their breasts

In public it is a rude show of youth

Sometimes of earth, he eats of them

On television the important is made inane

He (stop) switches, like a train

Tracks like a hare or hound

Most good is not god at all but youth

Sometimes of earth, he buries them

Street beard back, and her lining shows

Not angelic, but the starchy heat of earth


Oh earth, the tour de fart

My compass points to your


Which was way fickle

Foster children playing on the ponch

The over-ripend spurn of the land

The rejection letter in the rain

The pooch is screwed and you are

The only one bent over