Marnie Shure

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Facts About Marnie Shure

Marnie, in one of her many fashionable hats

She was born on February 10th, 1989, in Christ Hospital, in Oak Lawn, IL.

Her hometown is LaGrange, IL. Her house is a historical landmark, and her family gives tours of it. It's almost like she lives in a museum.

She is quite a talentless writer, her specialty being pseudo-signficant poetry. She (or rather, her aforementioned poetry) has been published several times, most recently in Knox College's esteemed literary magazine Catch. She keeps at least three journals, if you include her weblog, and of course, there may be dozens more of which we are not yet aware.

She has very fair skin, so that in the sunnier months, she can be seen sporting sunglasses and a fashionable hat, to protect herself from destructive UVA and UVB rays. She was once in attendence at a production of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, [Editor's note: The comma goes inside the quotation marks. What you've done is British convention.] and Benedick pointed her out for her creamy complexion.

Her grammar is impeccable [Consider revising]. Actually, so is her vocabulary. She uses the word "impeccable" in everyday speech.

She would like for her hair, at some point in her life, to be purple. She has thus far had limited success, possibly because she does not want it bleached.

L'enfant Terrible

She frequents many interesting websites, including and

Her middle name is Catherine, and she is like, hella Catholic.

She hates some things, like science fiction and Crocs.

Her contact prescription is between 6 and 6.75.

She is a chubby chaser.

Rachel Perez is very sorry for the images and the names of the images she has introduced to the Wikifire.

Recent Developments

Marnie Shure is entering a rather fecund period of her life. Now 20 years old, she professes a love of sparkling grape juice and chimpanzees in various vehicles.