John Perleberg

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John Perleberg will live in Neal 1 next year.
Hanging out with him will get you closer to her.

John Perleberg '10 is from Wichita, Kansas. He attended high school with Paige Barnum. They are both notable members of the Seymour 2 gang. He studies math and physics, with which he does all kinds of interesting things, like define god and calculate the outcome of D&D encounters. He claims to be conservative, but he's not a complete fool, so the Knox community generally tolerates him, despite his propensity towards smoking a pipe and spouting Libertarianisms. He originally had a single in Sherwin-Neifert but it became obvious that Seymour 2 was his true calling, so he and his dual-monitor watercooled monster moved in for the spring of '07. He was a participant in many of Seymour 2's greatest antics, even before living there. His name is commonly prefaced by "Ew." During finals week during Fall term of 2007, he shaved his head on a dare. He thereafter bore a striking resemblance to Lord Voldemort.

See Also