Loser Ball

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A game played with no rules and several people. It involves a ball (which is not a ball, but something that can be substituted for a ball, such as a giant stuffed dice) that is moved from one side to the other side by either team through some sort of method. There is no way to gain points, only lose them. There are no definitive boundaries for either side. There are no rules for how exactly you lose points. One trend that was observed, however, was that points were often considered to be lost when the "ball" touched the ground on your team's "side". However, this may have been entirely a coincidence.

The game is really an exercise in accepting and building, which is an improv skill. Any assertion about the game made by any player at any time is immediately accepted and used for an indefinite period of time. A typical game of loser ball might go like this:

The "ball" goes through the legs of a chair,

someone yells "GOAL!"

the other team accepts that they have lost a point and moves on, all the while building their own set of bullshit rules for use in the game.

This game was nearly the undoing of Yellows 1.