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The Ecohouse and the Jazz House are the only two permanent theme houses on the Knox Campus. The EcoHouse is located at 675 S. West St., between Casa Latina and the Asian Cultural House by the soccer field. People who apply to live at the Ecohouse agree to abide by certain ecologically conscious rules: they compost their food waste using worms and tumblers, recycle and reuse everything they can, make their own green cleaning supplies, use low-flow faucets, run a house garden and a community garden which they water with rain collected from the roof in barrels, let it mellow if it's yellow, and generally do their best to reduce their ecological footprint.

Ecohouse residents try to share as much as they can to save energy and promote community. They share and rotate house chores, carpool when they can't ride their bikes, and the three off-board residents buy, cook, and eat food communally.

Most members of the Ecohouse are vegetarians or vegans. Many of them are members of either KARES or Food for Thought.

Past Residents