Rick and Forties
"Don't know about y'all but I'm prepping for this hootenanny by rewatching both seasons of Chugging a Forty By Myself Whilst Locked In a Taco Bell Bathroom, Weeping Nonstop." - Tristan Yi
The most legendary and possibly the best party to occur on Knox College campus grounds. It was January 27th, 2017. Sea Creature House still existed. And it was there that students found their sanity in the dead of hell term. There were sick bands, oceans of forties, and "Rick and Morty" playing from every available TV, back in the good ol' days when """intellectual""" douchebags hadn't yet ruined the show. It was the craziest of crazies: people too drunk to stand, enemies becoming friends, board games being stolen, bad pick-up lines, the magic of weed, the mother of a billion after-parties, the thing all parties dream of being.