Seymour Defender
The Seymour Defender is a robot that defends the residents of Seymour 2 in Seymour Hall.
Seymour Defender was constructed in the Winter Term of the 2006-07 school year by the residents of Seymour 2. His original design was to function as a defense robot for all of Seymour Hall. However, halfway through his construction, he was kidnapped and held hostage by residents of Seymour 3. Fortunatley, he was rescued by a squad of Seymour 2 elite, who went on a extraction mission to rescue the robot, not yet complete enough to defend himself. As punishment for their theivery, Seymour Defender, when activated, serves only to defend Seymour 2. However, because of the frequency at which he is set to "Drink" and "Party" (see below), Seymour rarely 'defends', and thus is actually quite vulnerable to attack, hence spending much of his time in residents rooms, being drunk and robotic.