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PS220 Student Ministry

[1] PS220 Student Ministry is a unique student ministry that was birthed as a daughter ministry of Fellowship Chapel
[ located in Mount Olive, NJ.

PS220 takes it's name from P.S. Like the post script at the end of a letter, and also from the Bible Passage Galatians 2:20 which states: "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." This name flows from hope that students not only have a relationship with Christ but then post script, or follow it with a life lived by faith.

Original meetings were held in a variety of locations until the ministry took it's first home in Budd Lake Chapel, NJ. In December of 2010 it then took up it's current residence at Mount Olive Community Bible Church, located on Flanders/Drakestown Rd, near the Mount Olive Public Library(see Map)

In January 2008 Director, Mike Olivero, pulled together a team of leaders from several area churches to begin casting vision for a student ministry that would emphasize the development of student faith and maturity in revolutionary ways through emphasizing personalized discipleship and using students in nearly every area and level of leadership. Director Mike Olivero refers to it as republican student ministry, ministry that is of the students, by the students, and for the students. As such, teens from 12 to 18 are able to participate in the regular planning of events, co-teaching of lessons, picking and leadership of activities, participation with the worship team, and a variety of other tasks associated with running the ministry.

Additionally, PS220, unlike many other student ministries was started, by design, to be a multi-church student ministry bringing together small local churches in a cooperative effort to reach out to teens and break down walls of cooperation between churches. PS220 continues to use leadership from multiple churches and is under Elder leadership and oversight from Fellowship Chapel.

PS220 held it's first event, PSP (Pizza Soda Prayer) on April 18th 2008 to introduce students to the ministry which was followed later by an ice-cream social. PS220 gears it's events around the purposes of: ministering to teens no matter what place in life they are at and what their faith background may be, promoting and teaching based on a confident faith in Jesus Christ, developing and using student leadership, and creating events and outreaches that are culturally informed and creatively planned to make an impact.

Regular meetings did not begin until October of 2008. PS220 borrowed curriculum from Dare2Share ministries [2] during their initial regular meetings. In 2010 they began a series called "One Bright Light" geared toward training and engaging students in actively practicing faith outside of student events, as well as planning events geared toward sharing faith.

They regularly attend, Creation Festival in Mount Union PA. [3] a christian rock festival that they find is an excellent venue to engage in building relationships with students and introducing students to the wide variety of Christian content music that is available.

Meetings are held Thursdays from 7-9pm and event descriptions are found on their webpage.[4]

<googlemap lat="40.847795" lon="-74.743134" zoom="16" controls="small"> 40.84766, -74.743133, 200 Flanders Drakestown Rd

Flanders, NJ </googlemap>