Hannah McMahon

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Revision as of 13:51, 30 September 2007 by Camozzi (talk | contribs)
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Hannah McMahon, '11, enjoys water-skiing, luge, and ionium triphosphate.

Her alter ego, Mannah HicMahon however is an enormous fan of rugby, enjoys tackling people (especially while the subject is intoxicated), and kicking people in the butt with a very odd twist of the leg.

She constantly berates people for being creepers, yet herself is quite a creeper (We all are, are we not?).

She is planning on majoring in MakingweirdfacesatAlexRobertsonandbeingquiteagoofball, and minoring in Nottakingatrayinthecafbecauseofherstrongmoralopinionontheethicallityofdishwashers.