Experimental Art

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Experimental Art Basement (EAB) The experimental art basement aims to be a place to let out your inner artist, no matter who you are or how long you've been creating art. It is hosted mainly in the Elder basement by Mary Hintzen, Klayr Valentine-Fossum, Kevin Cirone, Donald Wynn, and Sam Bouman,(and formally Sam Lonsberry). The EAB residents believe anyone can make art, so come on out and give it a go. The EAB also hopes to be a place to collect excess art supplies available to the Knox community, host art shows, create a space for artist to discuss their work casually with others, and develop ideas around these discussions.

2006-07 Recap

Fall term it opened the Knox campus to a free space for anyone to come down and create art with the EAB residents. Two art shows were held. The first appeared in The Knox Student (TKS) with some outstanding pieces, and the second rocked with DJ Tempest.

Winter term EAB worked in conjunction with the Ecohouse and the DIY house to create recycled art. That show went well as was followed by the show "Because it's so f*%#in cold," an open mic. Despite cancellation in the eyes of Campus Life and the cold, the poetry reading went off quite well, many attended and read.

In the spring the EAB hosted the "Kill your TV" art show. The idea behind it was of breaking free from the slavery of electronics and finding something else to do with your time. There were some great pieces, including body-image oil painting and water colors, two killed TVs, ceramics, and a "create your own art" station.

As the the continued existance of the EAB, no one is quite sure. It probably won't be in the basement, but may move to CFA instead. Same idea, new location.