Isaac Estep

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Isaac Estep is a TKE and a creative writer. If you are reading this right now, you have probably made out with him at some point--whether you remember it or not. He is very fashionable, and many have said that he could be a model if he wasn't insane. The most noteable feature about Isaac, however, is that he is a rare example of a feral child (a child somehow abandoned in the wild and raised by animals) who learned language and has managed to partially integrate himself into society. There are several competing theories as to what kind of animals raised young Isaac; the most predominant of these theories points to otters, who eventually couldn't handle Isaac's bullshit and passed him off onto a pride of wild cats. It was there that he picked up a taste for tuna.

Isaac has been the main contributing factor to the downward spiral of Katie Harte, ever since he kidnapped her fall term of 2007. It's okay though, because the spiral is kind of fun. Like a big swirly waterslide.

Isaac also an accessory to murder.