Flunk Day 2012

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Closed due to flooding, but not really.

Xavier was spotted at several different points this summer by several different anonymous sources. Hopping off a boxcar with several drifters, each holding one of his four-footer (or so) bongs, he was said to have torn his shirt off each time while roaring, "FLUUUUUUUNK!" Flunk day is definitely the first day of school.

Xavier is clearly behind all this unseasonably warm weather we've been having. Flunk Day will be earlier than ever this year as a result!!!

February 20th: Debbie Southern says flunk day season starts in March at an ASAP meeting. THIS COULD BE HUGE!!!

The weeks of April 23-27 and April 30- May 4 are the weeks of pre-enrollment but this does not necessarily mean that flunk day will not be in those two weeks. These weeks are the most common weeks for flunk day historically.

The timing of pre-enrollment is irrelevant. Don't even bother looking at the calendar, kids. It won't give you any hints.

Relevant historical irrelevance is irrelevant to the laws determining the laws predicting flunk day, which is tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 21 is the first day of spring term classes. Wednesday, March 21 is also flunk day. <--CONFIRMED

Flunk day is not on May 17th, however, Flunk Day is May 17th.

So, the theme of Flunk Day is The Final Flunk, right. Because the end of the world is supposed to happen in this year of 2012. Wouldn't it be just so clever, then, if this year marked the end of Flunk Day as well? As in, no Flunk Day? As in, the rumors that Flunk Day doesn't exist finally come true? THIS COULD BE HUGE. Also, everyone knows Teresa Amott DOESN'T LIKE FLUNK DAY!

At 2:24 on March 28, J-Pow predicted Flunk Day would be May 9. That's economics. <-- Furthermore, the Art Dept. is having their once-a-term field trip to the Art Institute of Chicago. So many students will already be excused from classes. Would this not be perfect timing?

Cody Dailey is currently finalizing his Flunk Day prediction. This could be HUGE.

Where is the "official email" for Flunk season? --An email regarding "policies and rules" was sent out on April 18 last year.

At 11:53 on April 4, the official Flunk Day email is sent out. Obviously Flunk Day is TOMORROW! --> It was a particularly classy Flunk Day e-mail and included pictures and bullet points. Maybe they think if they illustrate Flunk Day they can convince us it already happened?

                     -----> early flunk day email + summer in march = EARLIEST FLUNK DAY IN HISTORY. 

READ THIS: Admitted Student Days are April 13 and April 20. Flunk day fucks up campus and thus will not happen before all of the precious prospies come to visit.

Any clue who the planners are this year?

April 5th

Flunk day shirts are here. Union Board is selling them AFTER Flunk Day because Flunk Day is tomorrow!

Jack Moore seen being really tall <---THIS COULD BE HUGE! <---Rumor: Jack Moore is "huge." <---MMhmm. CONFIRMED.

Debbie Southern heard chatting with Jil Gates before Flunk Day email was sent out about how it would "catch them off guard."

Spotted: JPow walking across the gizmo patio saying how he's "ready for flunk day".

It isn't even April 5th yet guys... <---FLUNK DAY HAS NO BOUNDARIES, rookie mistake. Wait, so you can see into the future?

Today is Wednesday, but it's almost over, which means it's almost Thursday. Therefore, it's almost Friday. So Flunk Day will be tomorrow.

looks like he's taking a break from hunting vampires... ABE IS IN THE HOUSE!!! <--- This could be HUGE!! can someone confirm?! <---I have visual confirmation!! <--- Pics or it didn't happen.

April 6th

Students saw a clown in a car, driving through Illinois. Obviously, Flunk Day is tomorrow.

April 8th

11:54pm seniors are seen leaving Hamblin, exclaiming "we need to get our stash PRONTO!"

April 10th

There's a baseball game on the schedule for 6:30 PM. Our field doesn't have lights. Interesting.

The game is at Galesburg High School, they have lights CONFIRMED.

April 11th


April 19th

ZERO EVENTS ON THE CALENDAR: [1] <--- False: That is the performance of an Honors Project as well as the middle of Greek Week. <--- easiest Greek Week event ever!!!! It MUST be Flunk Day!!!<---It doesn't matter when Greek Week is, Flunk day has no limitations! Flunk Day is April 19th<---This could be HUGE!<---That's what she said.

April 25th

Zazen meditation is the only event on the calendar. Is it Flunk or is it foolery?

May 2nd

Flunk Day!

Guys, this was the date of Flunk Day last year. They wouldn't do it on the exact same day twice in a row... or would they?

May 8th

What are these fake showcases? Will they wait until Teresa is officially our President to bring the flunk? <---yes! there is too much planning that goes into events like the installation to flunk it up with Flunk Day.

May 8th is the perfect Flunk Day.

May 9th

Once again, only meditation..is it too late for flunk?

May 10th

Another "showcase" or flunk??