Hali Engelman

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Hali is silly

Affectionately known as "Hali Hipster" or "Hayrey", this girl jizzes at any mention of Joanna Newsom. If you see her around, she's probably wearing one of her five T-shirts, skinny jeans, and a hoodie that's only zipped up partway. Her head is usually half-covered either by the hood of her sweater or her black floppy knit hat thing. If you see her in the Caf, she'll most likely be sitting alone talking to a table full of plates.

If you value your general well-being, you should ask Hali to play you songs on her guitar, to sing to you, and to allow you to stare into her beautiful eyes, preferably all at the same time.

She isn't very good at slackjaw, though has shown noticeable improvement recently.

Also, shark. Shark shark shark.

Notable quotations include:

  • I wish this school wasn't so aware of itself.
  • Don't poke the pope. He's got to pray for me. And John.
  • Furniture is so boring! I'm glad we sit on it.