Seymour Defender
The Seymour Defender is a robot that defends the residents of Seymour 2 in Seymour Hall. Contrary to popular belief, he is not named after Seymour Hall, but instead after Lyman K. Seymour, the alumnus for which Seymour Union is also named.
Seymour Defender has four settings. They are Defend, Drink, Study and Party. He spends most of his time on 'Drink' and 'Party', much like people who live in Seymour.
Primary Engineers of Seymour Defender
Seymour Defender's consruction was a group collaborating, drawing on experts from many different diciplines. However, some of the cheif engineers included:
- Lyall Wallerstedt - Head Engineer, Seymour's Pappy.
- Matthew Stephens - Weapons Design.
- Andrew Hansen - Armor Expert.
- Trevor Sorenson - Materials Consultant.
- Paige Barnum - Aesthetic Director.