Kat Reiser

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Revision as of 22:38, 11 February 2011 by (talk)
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Kat Reiser will manage your stage.
If you know what I mean.
(Shut up, she's just a stage manager! Ask Courtney Meaker or Neil Blackadder.)

She was once commonly believed to live in Post, but she actually lived with a gnome named Errtwiss in the Neifert 3 common room wall. In winter term, she moved in officially with a (debatably) human roommate named Caitlin Sahm.

She was part of Unicorn House (Drew 3) for the 2008-2009 school year.

She is friends with owls, much to the delight of Caitlin Sahm.

She takes an awful long time to notice when her wikifire page is edited. Take note potential vandals.