PHIL 202

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PHIL 202, also known as Symbolic Logic, is a survey course of formal logic offered at Knox. It counts for 1 credit. It is currently taught by Martin Roth or Lance Factor.

Course Description[edit]

Official Course Description[edit]

"A detailed study of the principles of deductive logic with emphasis on the identification of valid and invalid arguments, the methods of constructing proofs, the fundamentals of the syllogism, propositional logic, and quantification theory."[1]

Credits and Prerequisites[edit]

The course is worth one credit. It does not satisfy any Competency Requirements or Foundation Requirements. It is a required course for a major in Philosophy. The prerequisite is sophomore standing or permission of the instructor.


For sections taught by Martin Roth[edit]

  • Bergmann, Merrie, et al. (2003). "The Logic Book (4th ed. Hardcover)." ISBN 978-0072401899.

For sections taught by Lance Factor[edit]

Course Format[edit]

For sections taught by Martin Roth[edit]

The course is primarily lecture, relying moderately heavily on the text (although there is significant skipping back and forth). Homework problems out of the book are assigned for most classes. This class concentrates heavily on learning and manipulating the symbology, and the symbols of symbolic logic themselves are introduced earlier than in sections taught by Lance Factor. There is a midterm and a final, requiring the use of symbolic logic.

For sections taught by Lance Factor[edit]

Course Schedule[edit]

The course is currently offered each Winter Term, during 2nd period on a MWTF schedule. Martin Roth teaches the course in even-numbered years, and Lance Factor teaches the course in odd-numbered years.


Term Section Days Period Location Instructor
Winter 2008 1 MWTF 2 Martin Roth


Term Section Days Period Location Instructor
Winter 2007 1 MWTF 2 OM 311 Lance Factor


Term Section Days Period Location Instructor
Winter 2006 1 MWTF 2 OM 201 Martin Roth

