Martin Roth

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Martin Roth was an assistant professor of philosophy at Knox from 2003 to 2007.

Martin Roth was the arch-nemesis of Dan Wack due to incompatible philosophical outlooks. His passionate teaching style, intelligence, and off-the-cuff wit brought students from all walks of major to his philosophy classes. Unfortunately, that meant if you sign up for a Martin class, it may be big and full of people who aren't really into the material.

On 3 July 2007 Roth announced through a Facebook note that he was leaving Knox to take a position at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He had been at Knox since 2003.

He seems to be particularly interested in whether computer chess programs have minds.


Roth earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of California-Davis in 2003. He received his B.S. in Philosophy from Willamette University in 1995. Prior to that, he attended Sacramento High School.

Courses Taught by Martin Roth