Office of Public Relations

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Public relations did not make this wiki.

They made the official Knox College Web site.

The Public Relations (PR) Office is open weekdays from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and is located on the first floor of the E-wing of SMC. Their Campus Box number is K-233, phone number is 309-341-7337, fax number is 309-341-7718, and e-mail is


  • The Director of Public Relations is Karrie Heartlein,, (309) 341-7337.
  • The Associate Director of Media Relations is Peter Bailley,, (309) 341-7715. The Copywriting Coordinator is Theresa Kuhlmann,, (309) 341-7650. They are in charge of news releases, photos, campus events.
  • The Sports Writer & Sports Information Director is Brian Thiessen,, (309) 341-7714. He is in charge of Sports Information.
  • The New Media Coordinator is Cheri Siebken,, (309) 341-7991. She is in charge of the Website.
  • The Director of Publications is Rebecca S. Hale,, (309) 341-7716. The Graphic Designer is Ami Jontz,, (309) 341-7713. They are in charge of the publications.
  • The Editor of the Knox Magazine is Megan Scott,, (309) 341-7760.
  • The Public Relations Secretary is Colleen Culbertson,, (309) 341-7337.
  • The students workers are Tasha Coryell, Meredith Lirman, Alice Lema, and Ellie Poley. They do things like read the newspaper, scan the newspaper, get the mail, and work on the website.

Student Opinion

The PR Office publishes the Knoxletter and maintains a calendar for the campus. The student body however largely ignores those two publications in the sense that the student body gets their information from other sources, according to a recent Student Senate survey.

While The Wiki Fire was not listed in the survey, it is likely one of the sources from which students get information. One can only imagine how P.R. feels about this.
