Trevor Sorenson

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Trevor Sorenson has a dinosaur in his backyard. It's a Buffasaurus Flex named Sir Chomps-a-lot. A member of the Seymour 2 gang, despite living on Seymour 3. He has since been partially forgiven.

In 2007, he organized a flash mob in front of Old Main during the Spring Admissions Open House. The theme was "Silent Mobile Disco".

In October of 2007, he played spoons as a member of the Alabama Hot Pockets. Due to bias and artistic ignorance, the band placed second, resulting in bitterness and much drunken lamentation. Reports of testicle sightings were filed, but as of yet go unconfirmed.

Trevor is the former Safety and Services Chair of Student Senate and the current RPM director for WVKC. Knox College stood strongly behind him and voted him to be their Vice President in the 2008 - 2009 school year. God help us all. He also has a tendency of looking quite dapper.

Trevor is very skinny, but dreamy.

He lived in the residence of legends, Steak Haus, in the '08 - '09 school year.

See Also