Pizza vagina

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Pizza vagina is handmade by god at Alfano's out of bread and cheese. But don't actually call it that when you order or they will get mad. Refer to it as a "stuffed breadstick".

Among friends, it can be fun to call it "p-vag" (pronounced pee-vadge) or just vagina.

According to Alumni, they were once referred to as "Abortions" because "they look like one big mess".

This is about the only thing you want to order from Alfano's. Their pizza isn't that great. However, they are the only pizza place to deliver past midnight in Galesburg and when you're drunk sometimes you might not want a P-vag because it is very messy, but you just really need pizza.

Recently, Alfano's has been making the pizza vaginas less like pizza vaginas and more like normal boring calzones. This is because they get tired of people calling and saying pizza vagina and then trying to take it back. They don't taste nearly as good in calzone form as they did in vagina form. Also they're not as sexy.

Sometimes if you order two pizza vaginas, and one is vegetarian and the other is not, you need to do some work to figure out which one is which. An anonymous student recalls having to open the pizza vagina by its pizza labia and poking around to find the sausage inside.

Manatee Dick[edit]

A moderately long time ago, a pizza vagina was called a "Manatee Dick". This was back when Alfanos delivered quickly and had keys to all the dorms.

Phone numbers[edit]

If you call on the second number and want to use a credit card, they'll make you hang up and call back on the first number. Their credit card machine is hooked up to the second line and it has to be open to run the number through.

  • 309 343 8718
  • 309 341 0288