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A WVKC radio show DJed by Katie Kline with a variety of music encompassing damn near everything...while avoiding country like it's the Knox Plague. A Timelord Rock song is included at the end of every broadcast in hopes that the Doctor is actually real and may hear it and smile...or in hopes that fellow Whovians will be pleased. We're not sure, but either way, it's on Thursdays at 6th period til the end of Sring Term 2011.

Katie Kline has also co-DJed a radioshow called Awesome Sauce: A Smorgasbord of Crazy Random Happenstance. Her partner DJ was Tyler Oakey, and this occurred Winter Term 2010-11. The 2 vow to bring it back every Winter Term that they are at Knox...they're first-years, so we'll see.