Sue Hulett

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L. Sue Hulett is a professor of Political Science and the chair of the department. Prior to coming to Knox, she did her BA and PhD at University of Southern California. Hulett's academic interests include international relations, American foreign policy, and religion and politics; at Knox, she teaches classes on international relations, religion and politics, and Gospels and the writings of Paul. The latter two courses are cross-listed in the religious studies department.

Hulett is also the faculty advisor for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. She is an avid athlete and can often be found playing tennis on campus and playing in the faculty-friar softball game on Flunk Day.


Hulett's classes are probably the toughest in the department. Most people do not look back with complete fondness on PS 210, and many more do not even attempt higher level classes. It should also be said, however, that she covers a great deal of material (If one does all of the readings in PS 210, for instance, one has read almost all of Henry Kissinger's intimidating tome Diplomacy) in some depth. Stick with it and you will learn how Ronald Reagan won the Cold War. Or something like that.

Flunk Day Issue[edit]

Hulett is at the head of the controversy over Flunk Day Issue 2007 which ran with a controversial headline combining the name of Jesus with an expletive. She objected strongly to the headline and wrote a letter to TKS which was signed by many staff and a few faculty and students.

She was also one of the complainants in the hearing on the issue.

External Links[edit]