The Gizmo

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Revision as of 19:13, 7 May 2007 by Camozzi (talk | contribs)
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The Gizmo is Knox College's principal manufacturing plant for breakfast bagels and other sundry food items. It employs a host of work-study workers, whom are generally recognized to be at the top of the Dining Services work-study prestige chain. It isn't that great of a chain to be on.

The Gizmo is attached to Seymour Union, with entrances from Seymour and outside. It adjoins the Gizmo Patio, which was once an ice rink, and is now a good place for listening to Cat Power.

Gizmo Workers of the World Unite!

Gizmo Staff

The permanent staff of the Gizmo are Pinky, Linda, Laurie, Rose, and Irma. Former staff include Jodi, Sue, and Pam.

Gizmo and the Environment

The Gizmo uses cups and plates that are not recyclable in Galesburg, but they do offer refills to students who use reusable mugs.


Monday-Thursday 10:00-1:00 Friday-Saturday 10:00-0:00 Sunday 14:00-1:00

Dining Menu


  • Prairie Fire Starter (Sausage or Bacon): $2.10
  • Prairie Fire Starter (Veggie): $1.80
  • Breakfast Bagel: $1.40


  • Mozzarella Sticks [5]: 42.75
  • Breaded Chicken Sandwich
  • Jalapeño Spudsters [8]
  • Cheddar Curds (Small & Large) $1.80 & $3.75
  • Onion Rings [10]
  • Chicken Strips [4]
  • Chicken Strips Basket: $3.85


  • Hamburger: $1.75
  • Cheeseburger: $2.00


Sodas[Small, Medium, Large]: $0.90, $1.00, $1.10


  • Candy: $.70
  • Chips: $.85
  • Smoothee: $2.10