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Sex is fun for everyone. Except if you're impotent.

Knox is a small college, so if you have sex often, chances are good that someone you had sex with has had sex with someone who has had sex with someone you've had sex with.

If you are gay, lesbian or bisexual or have had sex with someone who is, you may have had sex with someone who has had sex with someone you've had sex with.

Knox's Sexual Scavenger Hunt (do it in these places before you graduate!)

1. Founders

2. The Pool

3. The Bowl

4. The Red Room

5. The Caf

6. Radio Station

7. Mailroom

8. Jail Cells

9. Harbach Stage

10. Alumni Hall

11. Heather Hoffman's Lab

12. The Organ Loft

13. Gizmo Patio

13. Center for Intercultural Life

14. Security Golf Cart

15. Aux gym

16. Old Main classrooms, at night

and - for bonus points -

17. The Lincoln Chair*

  • Note: Fucking in the Lincoln Chair may result in the fuckers being haunted by any and all of the ghosts of Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth, Stephen A. Douglas, and countless emancipated slaves. It can be a bit intimidating to fornicate in the Lincoln Chair, because you are taking the place of the many great people who have come before you.