Students Against Sexism in Society

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Students Against Sexism in Society is a student club that meets in the Human Rights Center. Typically, SASS meets at 9:00 pm on Thursdays

Current SASS executive board

SASS's Mission Statement

Students Against Sexism in Society is a Human Rights Center organization dedicated to both intelligent discourse and meaningful activism. SASS strives to provide resources for the advancement of women, including speakers, lectures and performances celebrating feminist scholarship and women’'s accomplishments. SASS’'s efforts also include open forums, awareness campaigns, art statements, marches and open dialogue. SASS welcomes every student, staff member, and visitor to meetings in hopes of a varied and lively ongoing discussion and increased understanding of what it means to be against sexism.

Club Activities

SASS has been known to do some really amazing events, including, but not limited to:

Recent Guests Hosted by SASS

  • Kate Bornstein, a transsexual advocate, author, and performance artist
  • Alix Olson, spoken word poet and activist
  • Queen Sheba and Georgia Me, spoken word poets
  • Larry Kirkwood, artist
  • Benjamin Atherton-Zeman of "Voices of Men," education on violence against women
  • Shalija Patel, spoken word poet, performance artist, and activist



From an indeterminate point in the past up until the end of the 2001-2002 academic year, SASS was a non-hierarchical organization with members including Miriam Timmer, Lisa Knisely, Rebecca Kuglitsch, Bastian Underwood, and Adrienne Hill, among others. SASS activities during this period included the first Love Your Body activities, as well as tabling and speakers. A well known conflict between SASS and the Beta fraternity also occurred during this time period, culminating in the two groups co-sponsoring an anti-oppression workshop byKierin Matthews on April 17, 2002. At the end of the 2001-2002 year, the majority of SASS members graduated; Adrienne Hill, the only non-graduating member, left to study abroad in Japan.


During the orientation week prior to Fall Term 2002, Josh Ferchau appointed Megan Gamble, an incoming first year, as the new head of SASS.

SASS's Grievances and Demands in Regards to Sexual Assault on Campus

See SASS Demands 2008 for the full text

Digest version

1. We demand that a full-time employee be added to the Knox College staff, working under the President's Office, to head a Sexual Assault Prevention Program designed to address preventative, first-response and long-term factors of sexual assault.

2. We demand that Knox Campus Safety respond quickly and competently to calls regarding sexual assault and rape.

3. We demand that the faculty task force that is currently evaluating the impact of Greek life on campus include sexual assault in its risk management analysis.

4. We demand a twenty-four hour response option to provide aid to sexual assault survivors.

5. We demand that we are provided with a post-trauma counselor on campus, employed by the college.

6. We demand a more comprehensive first-year Orientation Program dealing with sexual assault and rape by fall term.

7. We demand institutionalized program for men regarding date rape and sexual assault through a national non-profit organization like Men Can Stop Rape.

8. We demand that RAD be reinstated on campus along with other supplementary courses in order to ensure there are preventative steps being taken to combat sexual assault.

9. We demand that there be a presentation about the Grievance Panel during First Year Orientation similar to the Honor Board presentation.

10. We demand that a Grievance Panel Taskforce be formed and meet at least once before the end of this term.

11. We demand that Knox provide forums, in a form similar to yearly caucuses, through which marginalized groups of students can express their concerns to and needs from the administration.

12. We demand access to emergency contraception on campus.