Big Gay Conference 2005
The Big Gay Conference is the Midwest Bisexual Lesbian Gay Transgender Ally College Conference or MBLGTACC.
Attendees from Knox[edit]
- Karen Kinderman
- Katelyn Mazman
- Eric Langston
- Lauren Burke
- Sarah Schaberg
- Courtney Meaker
- Susannah Go
- Susan Coleman
- Kelly
- Graham Troyer-Joy
- Emily Smith
- Anyone else?
The GREEEEEEENN Gas Card[edit]
The caravan pulled over for the first time to get gas and Brian Cason flipped out about the Gas Card. Because when Brian took a group to Kinsey Six in the Quad Cities the Gas Card was Green and it was red this time.
Dumpy Babies in the 15 P[edit]
A loving term coined by the valiant leader of the Big Gay Conference Mafia, Katelyn. Currently an ulta-exclusive group of members who infrequently meet to get drunk and play spin the bottle on the old True Reality House kitchen floor. Members include: Karen Kinderman, Lauren Burke, Sarah Schaburg, Graham Troyer-Joy, Courtney Meaker, Katelyn Mazman and Eric Langston.
Kinsey 6 Scale and the Furry[edit]
During a workshop of roughly 200 people, a random man, Katelyn Mazman, and Sarah Schaberg decided not to rank their sexual attraction on the Kinsey Scale - i.e., stand in front of a number posted on the wall. When asked by the moderator why the three individuals did not stand in front of a number, the random man, who in fact starred in "True Life: I'm a Furry" announced that it was because furries cannot identify with an number. No one identified with Katelyn and Sarah after this incident.