Mark Munoz

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Mark Munoz is a senior from Beaverton, OR. Majoring in Neuroscience and Chinese, he is widely known for his nonsensical TKS columns and misadventures and for being "that guy" at the ambassador's lecture who had to say thank you in Chinese.

Mark was born in 1985 in Tucson, AZ. It was here that he developed a serious penchant for Flintstones chewable vitamins. He later moved to Rochester, MN, where his addiction became so serious that he was hospitalized after eating an entire bottle, which he still maintains are the tastiest food with significant amounts of Vitamin K. He later moved to Oregon, where he attended the School of Science and Technology at Merlo Station.

Mark's academic advisor is Esther Penick.

He is the Discourse editor of TKS for the 2007-2008 academic year.

Rumors have spread regarding Mark's recent dismissal from his tour guide position in the Office of Admissions due to the nature of a recent article. However, no such dismissal occurred, thanks to a few tasteful booger jokes.

Furthermore, Mark earned himself the infamous title of "Lateral" when he said something totally stupid in Behavioral Neuroscience.

Notable Achievements[edit]


Mark accidentally cured strokes with minty flavor.

Enemy of the State[edit]

During a study abroad stint in China, Mark Gchatted Andrew Briggs the words 'falun gong' several times. Each time he did, he was kicked off of gchat for a progressively increasing amount of time. Andrew almost contacted the State Department.

Shaolin Temple[edit]

During Mark's recent stint in China, he spent a few days at the Shaolin Temple, learning from monks and listening to the "Kung Fu Fighting" song while everybody actually was.

Squirrel Capture[edit]

In 2005, Mark devised an ingenious trap involving a cardboard box and tigerlike reflexes to capture a squirrel. The squirrel was interrogated and later released.

Bruce Polay[edit]

During a "Music in the Western Tradition" class in Fall 2005, Mark told Bruce Polay he was "pulling his lecture out of his ass." He later received a B.

The Bells of Spring Break 2007[edit]

Mark is rumored to have been one of the three students who managed to jimmy their way into Old Main's bell tower over Spring Break 2007 and program the bells to ring for class through the night rather than during the day. The bells rang in this fashion for all of spring break, causing consternation to many students. There has not yet been proof disclosed of Mark's involvement, because he is still at Knox. Or maybe because he didn't break into a National Historic Landmark. We'll see when he graduates.