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Minnesotans make up the backbone of Knox. Most of the finest Knox students hail from the North Star State. Examples include Alicia Niles, Mike Boettcher, Dan Sundquist, Bryan Lund, Eli King, Dexter Brown Greta Egge, Tasha Coryell, and Zack Stephenson.

Some of the most goblin-y students also hail from the Gopher State. Examples include Sosy Fleming.

Knox Minnesotans are very nice people, hence, the phrase "Minnesota nice".

Independence Movement[edit]

Some Minnesotans at Knox feel that the state should become an independent nation. No one really knows if they are serious.

Duck, Duck, Grey Duck...[edit]

Humor them with their incorrect form of Duck, Duck, Goose. They don't like to point out that the bird is a different species as to not offend it. If the goose wants to pretend to be a duck, we are all about the equal opportunity thing.

People from Minnesota often make jokes about people from Iowa, Wisconsin, and the Dakotas. However they will not tell these jokes to people actually from those places, as they are nice.