Brian King

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Fall Term 2006[edit]

During Fall Term, Tau Kappa Epsilon threw a party called Studio 54. In the spirit all things 54, King dressed as a woman in pink. As the party pressed on and the evening was nearing an end, King ran into Karen Kinderman. Kinderman proclaimed that King was actually Courtney Love.

Winter Term 2007[edit]

At the end of Winter Term a group was watching afternoon television in the Pirate Room at TKE. Warren Wilke left the room abruptly. As he entered the bathroom down the hall the group heard him scream, "A BEAR!"

Spring Term 2007[edit]

King went to his sixth period on April 20. After class, King made his way back to TKE and was asked to comment on the experience by his roommate Patrick Herlihey. He remarked, "That was difficult."

Fall Term 2007[edit]

After battling pneumonia for the majority of the fall, King decided to celebrate his victory over the sickness by enjoying an Eighties Party at the Graveyard House. After going to Senior Bowling Night a group formed at the Graveyard House and continued the Eighties Party. The police were called and were not even noticed when they shone their lights in on the party. Becca Ganster was writing "CAT" on a table at that point in time. The GPD officers said they were sorry to break up the Eighties Night.

Winter Term 2008[edit]

At the end of Winter Term, while on the Knox College Choir Spain Tour, King attained a new identity--that of "the Grand Duchy." Under this new alias, King could frequently be seen smoking a cigar, looking very grand (much like the King of the Cosmos), and heartily proclaiming such statements as:

"Everybody wants to marry up." (King was not the originator of this quote, it was actually Tim Foster. Erica Stringfellow was the person who told King the original story to which King lost his mind over how funny that was.) "Porsches are nice... I guess..." "Ohh raaaatherrr!" "Gold was SO two centuries ago." "I use Dom Pérignon as mouthwash."