Green Oaks Term

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Every other year, twelve to thirteen students (affectionately known as Oakies) embark on the most epic journey they may ever know. Traversing through the woods and tromping through the prairie, the students spend ten weeks exploring Knox's Green Oaks Biological Field Station. There are numerous field trips, most notably to several regional bird sanctuaries, all of the mounds, a few communes, and a full week in Wisconsin. The students take one of three classes at the 300 level, and an intensive, independent project is done. Most learning is self-initiated and self-employed, meaning that students learn what they want to, when they want to. Site-specific art is important. Diagonals move a picture.

Students immerse themselves in identifying the species around the field station, creating art they don't always understand to try to impress Tony Gant, and whatever Katie and Gabe's class is (previously taught by Jon Wagner). The students work intently on embracing their inner coyotes, rescuing orphan burgers, and perfecting their skills in utilizing smooth duck whips. In this process, students also try to avoid desecrating grave sites and losing feet. Occasionally, they are forced to return to Galesburg to buy groceries. Other duties include: service projects, cleaning, cooking, dishes, making magical shit cult necklaces, and massaging Other Roberts.

Most importantly, every day at Green Oaks is better than Flunk Day. Hands down.

The 2018 Oakies have been enduring an especially long and cold winter, and have only found solace in sourdough and whiskey while struggling to complete stupid puzzles. They can often be found eating origional trail wraps with a dessert of multivites, and ending the night by shotgunning tangerine La Croix. They may be becoming coyotes, but James Mountjoy is becoming a blueberry.

In the 2012 Spring Term session, the swoopyest students participated. That is, Steve Galdek, Jamie Ruml, Carrie Stephen, Rika Stoller, Evelyn Langley, Alyssa Kennamer, Dani Hill, Molly Olson, Hannah Tochtrop, Mya Kahler, Jesse Sindler, and Jules Ohman. The program assistants were Eric Ballard and Zak Kahn.

^This is false. The best Green Oaks Term was in 2010. ^False, 2014 Oakies are the best

The 2014 Oakies are actually poop heads: Jess Robinson, Night Heron Curnow, Donna Donahue, Shooting Starling Smith, Other Roberts, Cooney Cooney, Mattman Lichty, Robilope Delaquess, Jason Deschamps, Leslie Carman, Nick Liberko, Kelly Clare, and Samantha Smith. Alyssa Kennamer and Evelyn Langley, who has the potential to become a benevolent cult leader, are the program assistants. ALL 2014 Oakies are teachers and leaders.

2016 Oakies were unusual in that they drank and got high a lot, but they were also the best homies of all time.