Flunk Day 2017

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The hype, the hope, and the hurt, the facts and the fallacies; when will you grab your 6 foot bong? When should you buy your PBR? Have you spotted Teresa Amott without her human skin? Tell us about the unicorn that galloped through the quad. Pick your outfit, fill your bottles with rum, grab a shovel and dig dig d i g

Join us. Hear the friars. Join us with pots and pans and heart and hype.

Join us.

(don't forget to hydrate.)

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That Flunk Though...

Yall already know what time it is. Let the predictions begin!

Friday, August 12th

T-Amott confirmed as lizard person in Ant People/ Free Mason Bees Conspiracy This could be HUGGGEEEEEEEEEEE

Tuesday, November 8th

The World is Ending. FLUNK DAY TOMORROW

Tuesday, Febuary 28th

11:34PM - a covered semi trailer is spotted in the WalMart parking lot. We all know what hides here. Could they be setting up this early on in the game? Is this even that early on in the game???

11:35PM - picture confirmation of covered trailer #CONFIRMED

Friday, March 3rd

11:34PM - Cowboy Hat Man spotted at Cherry Street WITHOUT HIS COYBOY HAT, but a BASEBALL HAT. THIS COULD BE HUGE.

12:22AM - Brothers of FIGI sing Smashmouth's 'All Star' at Cherryoke. Suspicious. Do they know something we don't know???

Saturday, March 4th

9:00PM Brothers of Alpha Sigma Suck a Dick hold their winter formal YELLOWS ROSE and it is attended by the president of TKE as well as members of Sigma Nu and Sigma Chi. Are the frats collaborating for something?? Big Flunk Day Secrets???


Members of ASSDICK also seen taking croc shots and drinking wine out a can...what are they gearing up for??? THIS COULD BE HUGEEEEE

Wednesday, March 8th

Alumnus Matt Sugai kicked out of midnight breakfast. Claims that he is not a student. Smells like a cover up.. <----very interesting. Could it be that Matt knows something about flunk day that we don't know? and that Knox doesn't want getting out???

Tuesday, March 14th

~5:00 PM - [1] The Muddy Pit makes us all aware of their slumber through their Facebook page. Is this a hint? Are there secrets lurking beneath the recent snowfall and within the soil?


9:05 PM Teresa Amott spotted walking home down prairie street. Too dark to tell, but it looked like she was leaving behind some kind of slimy footprints... is it molting season yet????

Thursday, March 16th

1:27 AM Scott Roberts (landlord of the yellows) seen carrying canned food, bottled water, a first aid kit and other supplies to the basement of the yellows. Was also wearing a tool belt. It is presumed that this is where he will bunker down and take shelter until flunk day is over.

Monday, March 20th

This was the first day of spring. Theresa Amott was spotted at 7:35am in the art bowl, sitting in an inner tube, buck naked, drinking from a bottle of Jager with a crazy straw, and wondering where everyone was. Sources say she stumbled towards the lawn at approximately 7:51 am, proclaiming that she was going to "ride" the "mechanical bull." Squirrels were seen fleeing in terror. We cannot confirm if March 20 was actually Flunk Day or not, but Amott's actions speak for themselves.

Tuesday, March 21st

Wednesday, March 22nd

FluNK DAY THEME REVEAL EMAIL SENT OUT!! kinda early in the term eh?? could be an early flunk this year!

Thursday, March 23rd


Monday, March 27th

Tuhesday, March 28th

Wednesday, March 29th

Thursday, March 30th

Monday, April 3rd

This will be the day. This is it.

Tuesday, April 4th

Wednesday, April 5th

Thursday, April 6th

Monday, April 10th

Tuesday, April 11th

Wednesday, April 12th

Thursday, April 13th

Monday, April 17th

Tuesday, April 18th

Wednesday, April 19th

Thursday, April 20th

Does Flunk Day really exist? Does ANYTHING really exist?

Monday, April 24th

Tuesday, April 25th

Wednesday, April 26th

Thursday, April 27th

Monday, May 1st

Tuesday, May 2nd

Wednesday, May 3rd

Rob Smith's ENG-295 syllabus suggests this may be the day of flunk. My bet's on this day...if only it'd happened when we were studying Lynch.

Thursday, May 4th

Sunday, May 7th

Rally's birthday. (Alpha Sigma Suck a Dick). A good option, especially since I heard that she has an in with the flunk day planner. Would NOT be the first weekend flunk... if the planners really want to shake things up this is when they would do it.

Monday, May 8th

Tuesday, May 9th

It's gonna be the 9th. Jonathan Powers always says Flunk Day will be May 9th, and Jonathan Powers is never wrong.

Wednesday, May 10th

Thursday, May 11th