Sigma Nu

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The Coat of Arms of Sigma Nu

Sigma Nu, the honor fraternity, was founded in 1869 at Virginia Military Institute. For more than 110 years, the Delta Theta chapter at Knox has been a prominent leader in academics, sports and community service. Today, Sigma Nu’s mission continues to develop ethical and honorable leaders of society through the development of the minds, hearts and characters of its members.

History in Galesburg

The oldest chapter of a fraternity on the Knox College campus, Sigma Nu was originally founded as Delta Theta, a local fraternity at nearby Lombard College in 1861. In 1891, Delta Theta became affiliated with the national Sigma Nu Fraternity. The Chapter was allowed to keep Delta Theta as its chapter designation, even though it is out of sequence with the other national chapters. It is only one of two Sigma Nu chapters allowed to do this.


Sigma Nu, as any of its members will tell you, does not fit the traditional Fraternity stereotypes, like jocks whose primary focus is getting people drunk. If you've ever been to Sigma Nu, you'll know that you're far more likely to find the brothers playing Wii on their 46 inch TV than doing keg stands or power hours.

Sigma Nu is known as the geekiest fraternity on campus. Rather than be dismayed by their reputation, some Sigma Nus often revel in it--a proposed slogan for this year's recruitment was "Sigma Nu-We take the "R" out of "Greek."

Many Sigma Nus came to Knox decidedly anti-Greek and never considered joining a fraternity, until they discovered Snu. This has led to a diverse and open minded group of guys. Though Sigma Nu doesn't fit the traditional frat stereotypes, it seems to get a new stereotype of its own every five years or so.

  • Since their 2000-01 pledge class, Sigma Nu has largely been known as the LARPer frat, or "gamer" frat. At present (2007), the latter is more accurate, as very few brothers take part in the Vampire LARP anymore, but lots of brothers play too many video games. There is also a large contingent of tree-hugging hippie types in the house as of 2007. Oddly enough, they get the best grades in Sigma Nu...
  • For many years prior to 2000-01, Sigma Nu was known as the international fraternity. At one point, more than half of the actives were international students - geeky international students.
  • During the mid-nineties, before Snu was the international frat, it was the gay frat, otherwise known as the "pink" frat. This reputation stuck around long after it was warranted, especially among the other fraternities because of rampant homophobia.
  • Long, long before that, Sigma Nu was populated by Veterans returning from World War II. They were a bit of an "old fashioned" bunch and didn't approve of all those gays and foreigners that eventually took over their fraternity, but it seems like they got over it.

Sigma Nu Delta Theta also has a reputation of academic excellence (what else would you expect from a bunch of geeks?), and consistently has one of the two highest Chapter grade point averages among fraternities at Knox.

The constituent members of Sigma Nu tend not to drink as often as members of TKE, and are less frequently varsity athletes than members of Beta. In fact, right now they have one varsity athelete, and he's a golfer, so that might not even count.

Some people describe Sigma Nu as a cross between the Deltas from the movie Animal House and the Lambdas of the movie Revenge of the Nerds due to their odd mixture of huge geeks and hardcore partiers.

Sigma Nu is also closely associated with the Knox Democrats, who hold their meetings in the fraternity house. The two groups also collaborated for the one-time Revolution party (a huge success). The house will also be the site of a future Democratic Party tree.

Chapter House

The Sigma Nu chapter house is located at 556 S. West Street across from the Quad loading dock. It is the smallest chapter house of any fraternity at Knox by square footage, and shares the lowest housing capacity with Sigma Chi.

A notable feature of the chapter house is its unique and somewhat impromptu Hookah Room. Resting precariously above the front deck, the Hookah Room is the house's most famous feature, consisting of a small room filled with couches, giant bean-bags and cushions, and various smoking supplies. It is also the current lair of the giant, double-bowled, four-hosed Snookah, 'El Diablo Verde.'

(see also: Sigma Old)



<properties> Eminent Commander=Alex Kemmsies Lt. Commander=Doug Davison Treasurer=Matt Hundley Recorder=David Nolan </properties>


<properties> Eminent Commander=Eric Langston Lt. Commander=Sean McKittrick Treasurer=Andrew Kama Recorder=Andy Sheehan </properties>


While Sigma Nu is an important part of members' social lives, Sigma Nus don't tend to rely as much on the fraternity for their social activities as other fraternities' members seem to, and have more friends outside of Sigma Nu than do other fraternity members. As a result, there are typically fewer "unofficial" parties at Sigma Nu. On weekends when there is not a registered party, Sigma Nus will often be seen at other parties around campus, including those of other fraternities.

Sigma Nus have never really understood the appeal of having a bunch of people they don't know come to their parties just for free beer. They don't mind when it happens - they just don't get it. As a result, Snu parties are typically smaller, more personal affairs than those of other fraternities, and consist mainly of closer friends of the house.

There is often dancing, but the dance floor is seldom packed for the entire party. Exceptions occur--the 80s dance party of 2005-06 and the James Bond Party on April 20, 2007 are prime examples of this.

Parties throughout the year include "Sunrise" and "Sunset" at the beginning and end of the year respectively (formerly "Tequila Sunrise" and "-Sunset"), "Sigma Boo", a Halloween party, "Party With a Heart On", a Valentines' party, and many others.

Since Sigma Nu parties are more than just an excuse to get hammered, booty dance, and get laid, women generally feel secure that they will not be sexually harassed at a Snu party.


Sigma Nu and friends do the Tunak Dance on Flunk Day 2007

At some point, often multiple points during a Snu party, all members will come to the dance floor to do a ridiculous dance to the equally ridiculous song, Tunak Tunak Tun, by Daler Mehndi. Though brother Akshat Agaarwal once explained the meaning of the words of Tunak, Akshat usually didn't make much sense; hence, the song's meaning remains a mystery.

On Flunk Day Sigma Nus do the Tunak dance in the middle of West Street in front of their house. However on Flunk Day 2007, a fire truck was in the way, so the Snus and their friends did the Tunak dance for the firemen.

As of February 2007, "Tunak" has taken on additional importance to some gamers of Sigma Nu, as it is the signature dance of the Draeni male from World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.

Inter-fraternity Beef

Sigma Nu doesn't have any beef or rivalry with any of the other fraternities. This is due to the fact that Snus are generally a pretty innocuous group of nice guys that don't start shit. Snu's only hit the Start button.


This guy was a varsity athlete. No, SERIOUSLY.

As previously noted, Sigma Nus rarely are varsity atheletes. Currently, they have a varsity golfer and a former varsity soccer player. They do, however, participate in Intramural Dodge Ball. They just make sure they take precautions to make them as numb to the sting of the ball as possible before hand.

Outside Resources