Sigma Nu

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Sigma Nu (ΣΝ) is so hot right now. So hot right now, Sigma Nu. Sigma Nu, the honor fraternity, was founded in 1869 at Virginia Military Institute. For 120 years, the Delta Theta chapter at Knox has been a prominent leader in academics, sports, and community service. Today, Sigma Nu’s mission continues to be to develop ethical and honorable leaders of society through the development of the minds, hearts and characters of its members.

The Coat of Arms of Sigma Nu

History in Galesburg

The second oldest chapter of a fraternity at Knox College after Beta Theta Pi (1855), Sigma Nu was originally founded as Delta Theta, a local fraternity at nearby Lombard College in 1867. In 1891, Delta Theta became affiliated with the national fraternity Sigma Nu. The chapter was allowed to keep Delta Theta as its chapter designation despite it being out of sequence with the other national chapters, one of only two Sigma Nu chapters allowed to do so. When Lombard College closed in 1930 and students transferred to Knox, Delta Theta moved to Knox as well, and has been active at Knox ever since. Delta Theta has been continuously active since 1867––two years before the founding of the Sigma Nu national organization in 1869. The longest continuously running chapter of a fraternity at Knox (as Beta was inactive for a number of years), Delta Theta is also the oldest continuously running chapter of Sigma Nu in the world.


Loved by some, tolerated by others.

Known to Larp on Campus, instigate great heckling, adorable hijinks, and fantastic group dances.

Due to their general lack of controversy and acceptance of trans and gender-nonconforming individuals, they are sometimes seen as a "fake frat."

Always expect greatness. You will receive it.

Chapter House

The Sigma Nu chapter house (or 'SNouse') is located at 556 S. West Street across from the Quad loading dock. It is the smallest chapter house of any fraternity at Knox by square footage, and has the lowest housing capacity of all fraternity houses at Knox, housing 11 brothers.

The Sigma Nu house may be scrappy, but the brothers have put a lot of work into it (no, really, they're working on it all the time). It's full of pleasant surprises, and is considered by many to be the most unique of the fraternity houses. Some views of the house are presented on this page. It is unknown how SNu will get a new house, only that it will be epic.

Dr. Laser's Revenge
Delightfully painted hallway
Tastefully positioned paintings
Requires no explanation

Special Rooms in the House

The Based Room (or if you prefer, Debased Room)

The Terrordome - Lost in the the Great Renovation of '16 in exchange for a very nice bathroom.

The Chamba Chamber

Doctor Lazer's Office

The Rude Room

The Pink Room, or the Womb

The Flag Room or Sun Room, whichever you prefer.

The Lounge, or the Rose Room

(see also: Sigma Old)


Faculty Advisor: Ryan Fowler (?-2013), Jaime Spacco (2013-2018), Chris Holland (2019-2020), Kyran Blissett (2020-present)


Eminent Commander: Maggie Garrett

Lt. Commander: Connor Uplegger

Treasurer: Jacob Bassett

Recorder: Lyn Scherer

Social Chair: Cianja Bone


Eminent Commander: Andrew Liput

Lt. Commander: Maggie Garrett

Treasurer: Glen Malast

Recorder: Connor Uplegger

Social Chair: None - COVID-19 said no

Social Media Chair: Jacob Bassett


Eminent Commander: Tim Stout

Lt. Commander: Max Jones

Treasurer: Andrew Liput

Recorder: Teddy Turner

Social Chair: Iris Berto


Eminent Commander: Mitch Sullens

Lt. Commander: Martin Hope

Treasurer: Max Jones

Recorder: Tim Stout

Social Chair: Tim Stout


Eminent Commander: Nick Nurre

Lt. Commander: Cas Gutierrez

Treasurer: Martin Hope

Recorder: Aidan Murphy

Social Chair: Michelangelo Pori


Eminent Commander: Julian Tan

Lt. Commander: Bruno Povejsil

Treasurer: Alex Hirano

Recorder: Michelangelo Pori

Social Chair: Joel Schleicher


Eminent Commander: Nick Liberko

Lt. Commander: Bruno Povejsil

Treasurer: Alex Hirano

Recorder: McLeod Sumner

Social Chair: Ben Smolinski


Eminent Commander: Clint Davis

Lt. Commander: Carl Waldhart

Treasurer: Ben Lyon

Social Chair: John Bird


Eminent Commander: Andrew Cook

Lt. Commander: Robert Turski

Treasurer: Michael Moroney

Recorder: Aidan Juhl

Social Chair: Jack Axley


Eminent Commander: Chris Holland

Lt. Commander: Andrew Cook

Treasurer: Michael Moroney

Recorder: John Ebbers

Social Chair: Peter White


Eminent Commander: Michael Kolbeck

Lt. Commander: Harrison Graham

Treasurer: Stefan Feer

Recorder: Tim Peebles

Social Chair: Jamie Ruml


Eminent Commander: Joe Olvera

Lt. Commander: Wesley Gunther

Treasurer: Chris Holland

Recorder: Andrew Polk

Social Chair: Muneer Rizvydeen


Eminent Commander: Christopher Overton

Lt. Commander: Lyall Wallerstedt

Treasurer: Joe Olvera

Recorder: Sean Frohling

Social Chair: Rohel Terrazas


Eminent Commander: Matt Hundley

Lt. Commander: Rohel Terrazas

Treasurer: Reed Wang

Recorder: Christopher Overton

Social Chair: Lyall Wallerstedt


Eminent Commander: Alex Kemmsies

Lt. Commander: Doug Davison

Treasurer: Matt Hundley

Recorder: David Nolan

Social Chair: Brian C Zhang


Eminent Commander: Eric Langston

Lt. Commander: Sean McKittrick

Treasurer: Andrew Kama

Recorder: Andy Sheehan

Social Chair: Alex Kemmsies


Eminent Commander: Will Yeager

Lt. Commander: Jon Gripshover

Treasurer: Eric Langston

Recorder: Eric Langston

Social Chair: Eric Langston?


While Sigma Nu is an important part of members' social lives, Sigma Nus don't tend to rely as much on the fraternity for their social activities, and have more friends outside of Sigma Nu. As a result, there are typically fewer "unofficial" parties at Sigma Nu.

At registered parties there is often dancing, but the dance floor is seldom packed for the entire party, save for Tunak at midnight - at which point, prepared to get uncomfortably sweaty. The glasses of a Sigma Nu have been known to have accidentally been broken during many a Tunak. Exceptions occur--the 80s dance party of 2005-06 and the "James Bond Party" on April 20, 2007 are prime examples of this.

Parties throughout the year include "Sunrise" and "Sunset" at the beginning and end of the year respectively (formerly "Tequila Sunrise" and "-Sunset"), "Sigma Boo", a Halloween party, a Valentine's Day party, and many others. Themes in recent years have included "No Sex," "Party With A Heart On," "Silly Hats," "Snowpocalypse," "Soviet Snunion," "Frat Party," "Teresa Amott Installation After-Party," "Sigma, Like, Whatever," "Post-Meta Party,", Government Shutdown Party, "10PM-2AM No Alcohol Knox ID Required Music and Dancing Party featuring Music and Dancing."

SNu parties have two floors open to campus with a dance floor on the first floor and movie and/or video games and snacks on the second floor- cookies, chips, WATER, soda, and/or candy.

Sigma Nu wants to make sure that people feel comfortable at their parties. Communication is key - if something's up, get hold of someone you identify as a SNu! Jerks will be banished from the party. Being a meanie is not tolerated. You can also ask a SNu for a walk home if you feel unsafe.

SNu parties are the best parties. SNu parties are the safest parties.

Shenanigans (Snuanigans)


Sigma Nu and friends do the Tunak Dance on Flunk Day 2007

At some point during a Snu party, now typically at midnight, all members will come to the dance floor to do a ridiculous dance to the equally ridiculous song, "Tunak Tunak Tun," by Daler Mehndi. Thanks go out to Brother Akshat Agarwal for introducing to the chapter another means of making completed arses out of ourselves. Though many have attempted to translate the text, we still don't know what we're dancing to...or even why.

On Flunk Day Sigma Nus do the "Tunak" dance in the middle of West Street in front of their house. However on Flunk Day 2007, a fire truck was in the way, so the SNus and their friends did the Tunak dance for the firemen.

On Flunk Day 2010 the Sigma Nus (and assorted guests) attempted their typical Tunak in the street, however, six or more Campus Safety officers approached, so the ritual was moved to the front lawn. John Perleberg gracefully handled the "situation" and the party continued.

On Flunk Day 2010 the Sigma Nus attained roughly 4-5 (that they admit to) campus safety reports, making it truly one epic Flunk Day!!!

On Flunk Day 2013 SNu succeeded in dancing "Tunak" three full times on South West Street, at various times in the day, without earning a Campus Safety report (at least not for Tunaking). Campus Safety Director John Schlaf referred to the third dance as "almost impressive" and gently reminded SNu not to do that anymore.

In spring 2014, the first ever "sitting Tunak" was performed in the Sun Room. Like other Tunak dances, it was pretty silly.

Due to a combination of unseasonably hot weather and the achievement of maximum dance floor capacity, the Tunak of SUNRISE 2014 went down in history as the wettest Tunak ever undertaken.

Tunak has since been exported to a number of other locations on campus, usually when 3 or more SNu's get together in one place; music is not required. On rare occasions, Tunak also reaches locations beyond the Knox College campus.

Sometime during 2013-2014 school year, Tunak came full circle (so to speak), as Brother Joe Seidman performed a Tunak with several locals during his internship in India. He received many compliments on his Tunaking skills.

During winter break 2014, a vacationing Carly Taylor met with Emily Passarelli, several other members of Marine Bio's 2014 research trip, and some random strangers to perform the first documented Belizean Tunak.

Brothers also Tunak on the front lawn to celebrate special occasions such as the activation of their newest brothers, which is often heartily disapproved of by the Yik Yak community. Brothers also celebrate their senior-year birthdays with "the Twenty-Twonak," a normal Tunak in the house's front room immediately followed by dancing (poorly) to Taylor Swift's "22."

Sigma Nu: The Band

Sigma Nu performed Tenacious D's "Explosivo" at the Greek Week No-Talent Show in 2007. The band included Mike Hahn on acoustic guitar, Alex Enyart on electric, Rohel Terrazas on bass, and David Nolan playing a Guitar Hero controller.

There was a revival of the Sigma Nu band during the 2011 Greek Week No-Talent Show, when Cody Ward melted the Greek system's face with a blistering Jazz Sax solo.

Porch Band was also a thing. It needs to return.

Inter-fraternity Beef

Sigma Nu doesn't have any beef or rivalry with any of the other fraternities. This is due to the fact that SNus are generally a pretty innocuous group of nice guys that don't start shit. SNus only hit the Start button.

Sigma Wars are an event that oft transpires between the Glorious Sigma Nu's and the not as glorious Sigma Chi's. Hijinks, pranks, and shenanigans. On July 4th, 2019, Sigma Nu and Sigma Chi held their first ever joint event, the Sigmapendence Day cookout. A good, wholesome time was had by all.

Outside Resources